Mental Tricks for Staying Motivated

Motivation Tips A huge obstacle to goal-achievement is what I’ll call “goal burnout”. It’s the moment where one feels as if all motivation to complete a task or goal has vanished. A common example is senioritis for college students. They’ve been...

No Excuses: The Fundamental Attribution Error

The Fundamental Attribution Error Think of a moment in your life in which something bad occurred. In your mind, were you responsible or were the circumstances? Likewise, think of a problem that happened to someone you know. Was it their fault? Interestingly enough,...

What It Means To Be An INTP Female

What It Means To Be An INTP Female INTPs are a rare personality type, but INTP females are even more uncommon. Being unique in this world can be a challenging thing, especially when you do not fit into the tiny box that society has created for you. INTP women...

A Few Tips for Getting the Girl

Getting the Girl The title of this article is what a few of my friends have made their life mission. Moving from one girl to the next for the sake of what they gleefully call “the chase” as some women are perfectly aware of, they treat the idea of dating as something...
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