Here’s How Often You Jump to Conclusions, Based on Your Personality Type

Some people have a tendency to jump to conclusions, often because their minds tend to run away with them. This can be something that even the most intelligent of people do, especially the ones who tend to overthink things. Here is how often you jump to conclusions, based on your personality type.



While INFJs can become a bit anxious or overthink things, especially when it comes to loved ones, they actually try to avoid jumping to conclusions. When the INFJ comes to conclusion about something they are often using their powerful intuitive abilities and reasoning skills in order to figure out what the likely answer is. While they do have times when they aren’t trusting their intuition, the INFJs who do rarely find themselves jumping to conclusions. This is why it is best for INFJs to rely on their intuition for things, instead of trying to veer away from it. This helps them avoid jumping to any conclusions that might untrue, instead they try to consider things reasonably.


ENFJs definitely try not to jump to conclusions and would prefer to approach things from a logical standpoint. They are highly intuitive people as well, and they often use this in order to make their choices about things. Instead of just assuming something that might be entirely over the top, the ENFJ would rather trust their instincts on things. This can make it seem like they are jumping to conclusions, when it is exactly the opposite. ENFJs would rather avoid becoming paranoid about something, they don’t like just assuming the worst. They would rather approach the situation with a sense of understanding and realism.


INFPs are intuitive people but at the same time they can send themselves into a spiral of overthinking. They can easily imagine so many different possible outcomes, and when they lack information will attempt to piece things together. While they try to be reasonable about most things, their minds are so active that they can sometimes run away with them. When this happens the INFP can certainly jump to conclusions about things, which sometimes leaves them feeling stressed and overwhelmed.


ENFPs to sometimes jump to conclusions about things, mostly because their minds are so active. They can intuitively run through so many possible outcomes in their mind, which can lead to them overthinking most situations. Sometimes this causes the ENFP to jump to conclusions when they are searching for ways to fill in the blanks. ENFPs don’t intend to do this, their minds just come up with so many different possibilities that it can take them off in different directions.



INTJs definitely try to avoid jumping to conclusions about things, instead they take their time before making a decision. For the INTJ it is better to really make sure they are correct about something and so they generally don’t just jump to conclusions. They do weigh out the options and potential outcomes, but they are intuitive people who can often narrow it down to the most likely truth. INTJs have a natural intuitive grasp on things, and this helps them to avoid jumping to conclusions.


ENTJs tend to avoid jumping to conclusions, instead they try to logically assess a situation. Instead of jumping to conclusions from grasping at different possible ideas, the ENTJ wants to look at the facts and information that is in front of them. If they don’t have actual information then they are unlikely to just try and fill in the blanks, since they realize this ends up with inaccurate ideas. ENTJs definitely try to avoid jumping to conclusions about things and often find people who do this to be a bit foolish and even illogical.


INTPs do sometimes jump to conclusions, mostly because their minds run through so many different scenarios. INTPs spend a lot of time processing information and can easily overthink things, sometimes to the point of stressing themselves out. If there are pieces of information missing the INTP can sometimes attempt to fill in the blanks, and this can lead to them jumping to conclusions at times. This is because their minds are so intensely active that the INTP finds themselves seeing so many different potential outcomes.


ENTPs do sometimes find themselves jumping to conclusions, simply because they consider every possible outcome. Their minds are good at running through the information they have, and ultimately coming up with a long list of different potential scenarios. ENTPs are actually excellent at thinking through things and will often come up with different possible outcomes which can help them navigate whichever one ends up being true. This can cause them to jump to conclusions sometimes though, and can cause them to seem a little paranoid.



ISTJs definitely try to avoid jumping to conclusions about things and would rather make choices based on facts. If there are pieces of the puzzle missing the ISTJ will do their best to uncover this information. They don’t like just filling in the blanks if they aren’t entirely sure what the answer is. For the ISTJ jumping to conclusions can only lead to making mistakes and this is just something they aren’t prepared to let happen. They would rather base their choices on hard facts, instead of simply jumping to conclusions about things they aren’t sure of.


ESTJs definitely don’t like jumping to conclusions and will often try to avoid this entirely. They would rather approach a situation with hard facts, instead of trying to fill in the blanks with information they don’t readily have. ESTJs don’t like just jumping into things with some idea of how it might be, instead they want to know the truth for sure. They aren’t likely to jump to conclusions about thing and would much rather know every piece of information they can uncover.


ISFJs definitely try to approach things with facts and preparation instead of jumping to conclusions. Where they might sometimes jump to conclusions is when someone they love is upset, and they refuse to tell them the details. ISFJs are empathetic people who can read the emotions of those around them rather easily, and so sometimes they try to fill in the blanks when they aren’t sure why this person is feeling a certain way. They do have a strong understanding of emotions, just not every details about why, and ISFJ simply don’t like not knowing.


When ESFJs jump to conclusions about things it is often based on the emotions they are picking up from others. They can get a strong sense that something is wrong with a loved one, and while they are almost always correct that doesn’t mean they know the details. ESFJs might try to fill in the blanks in this situation, especially if that person refuses to tell them what is actually wrong. They get a strong sense of the emotions of others, but that doesn’t mean they know the details and so sometimes this leads to them jumping to conclusions.



ISTPs definitely try to approach everything with a sense of realism and prefer to focus on the facts of a situation. While they do prefer to be sure about something before deciding what they believe, they do have times when they can jump to conclusions. They might want to consider the different ideas and possibilities, and these cases can be a bit all over the place. Most of the time though, the ISTP prefers to focus on the information that is currently in front of them.


ESTPs do sometimes jump to conclusions when they are stressed or when someone they love is behaving a certain way. If they can sense something is off but don’t have all of the details it can lead to the ESTP jumping to conclusions or trying to fill in the blanks. They usually try to focus on facts, but sometimes emotions can get in the way. They can seem a bit all over the place because of this, especially since they have rather active minds and a strong desire to live in the present.


ISFPs do sometimes jump to conclusions about things, since they follow their emotions with most decisions. They follow what feels right for them and use their inner morals as a guide. This can definitely cause the ISFP to jump to conclusions about things, instead of waiting to see the facts. For them it is more important to go with their gut than to listen to what others believe. ISFPs to sometimes get themselves into trouble this way though, since they can assume things that a bit over the top.


ESFPs live very much in the moment and they follow their hearts to make most choices in life. ESFPs can sometimes jump to conclusions, especially when it comes to someone they love. They can be somewhat emotional people, and this can cloud their judgment in some situations. If someone is acting strange the ESFP might make assumptions about what is going on, and this can lead to them jumping to conclusions. They can also overthink something if they are feeling bothered, but they often come around to seeing the truth.

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