Here’s How Much Each Personality Type Seeks Affirmation From Others

Here’s How Much Each Personality Type Seeks Affirmation From Others

For some people it is important to keep up with appearances, while to others it is the bottom of their list. Here is much each personality type seeks out affirmation from others.


INFJs are independent minded people, who prefer to do their own thing. They don’t expect or really care about affirmation from strangers, but they certainly crave it from their loved ones. INFJs want the people they love to care about them and to think highly of them. This often causes the INFJ to be even more of a perfectionist, since they want to be the best version of themselves they can be. INFJs are happiest when they receive affection and affirmation from the people they love and admire. Words of affirmation really help the INFJ gain confidence in themselves. They might not care much what strangers think, but INFJs definitely seek affirmation from their loved ones.


ENFJs do seek affirmation from others, especially since their main focus is caring for people. They want to make people happy, and work hard to tend to the needs of everyone around them. ENFJs care what people think, but not in a shallow way. They care because they want their loved ones to appreciate them and share their affection. ENFJs want to be supportive to others, but they also want that support in return. They do care what people think of them, but only because they have such big and loving hearts. They enjoy having their loved ones show them signs of affirmation, and feel more at ease when they know that they are admired and loved.


INFPs don’t go after affirmation, and are much more personal and internal people. They will not actively seek to make people like them, and rarely do need other’s approval. When it comes to their close loved ones, INFPs are entirely different. They want to know that the special people in their lives truly admire them, and care deeply what they think of them. INFPs want the people they love to think highly of them, but that doesn’t mean they will change in order to gain approval. INFPs are who they are, and don’t want compromise their integrity just to be liked by others.


ENFPs are fun and passionate people, who enjoy living life to the fullest. Their sometimes larger than life personalities cause them to appear very confident in who they are. When the ENFP is younger though, they often struggle with needing affirmation from others. They likely care a lot what other people think of them, and try to ensure that they are liked by others. When the ENFP gets older they likely overcome this, and gain a stronger sense of who they are. They become much better at overcoming their fears of not being liked, and learn to be themselves without restraint. They likely still want their loved ones to show them affirmation, but they won’t change for the sake of others.


INTJs are independent people, who do not seek affirmation from others. They rarely care what people think of them, and feel it is a waste of their energy to focus on that. INTJs are themselves, regardless of how that will affect other people. They don’t want to alter their own needs and actions just to please someone else. INTJs are comfortable being liked or disliked, and don’t need other people in order to feel confident in themselves. They do care about their loved ones, but that does not mean they will constantly seek their affirmation and affection.


ENTJs are confident and self-assured people, who prefer to focus on their future. They don’t let other people get them down, and rarely care what others think of them. ENTJs are independent, and depend mostly on themselves for getting things done. They rarely pay attention to the opinions of others, unless they value that person deeply. When ENTJs do care for someone they will work hard to be perfect in their eyes. They do strive to seek their affirmation, but they don’t need it constantly expressed to them.


INTPs are independent people, who focus on logic and understanding. They want to approach everything with precision and accuracy, and enjoy being able to absorb information. INTPs don’t pay much attention to what people think of them, and rarely seek out affirmation. They don’t enjoy obsessing over things that serve no purpose, and don’t do well trying to change themselves. INTPs won’t actively seek affirmation from their loved ones either, but part of them does care what they think. They want to please the people closest to them, and hope to be admired and loved by those individuals.


ENTPs rarely seek affirmation from others, since they are independent people. They realize that wasting their energy trying to make people like them, will only cause them unnecessary stress. Their comedic and fun personalities actually makes it easy for ENTPs to make friends and gain affirmation from others. They don’t seek it out, but it often does come naturally for them. ENTPs rarely care what people think of them, but they do want their loved ones to appreciate their abilities. ENTPs want to know that the people close to them admire and like them for who they are.


ISTJs may not actively seek affirmation, but they do care what people think of them. They want to keep a certain appearance and can be upset if it doesn’t go as planned. They are hardworking people who want to be respected for that. If the ISTJ feels like people are not recognizing their hard work, they will become bothered by this. They want to be noticed, but will continue to portray themselves with poise. They especially want their loved ones to view them in a positive light, and try hard to impress them.


ESTJs definitely care what other people think, and want to keep up with appearances. They desire to be an important part of the community, which makes them strive to be valuable to others. This often makes the ESTJ even more of a perfectionist, since they desire to be impressive. They certainly do seek affirmation from others, especially those in their community. ESTJs work hard and want this to be recognized by others, and this includes their loved ones.


ISFJs do care about keeping up with appearances, and want to be sure that they are viewed properly. They realize that social appearances are important, and don’t want to have their actions reflect poorly on their loved ones. ISFJs want to be a strong part of their community, and the lives of their family. They can’t really help but care what others think of them, and seek out affirmation from them. ISFJs have big hearts, and constantly strive to do what they can to help people. This helpful nature also makes it so the ISFJ naturally cares about what people think.


ESFJs are strongly focused on caring for the needs of others, which naturally means they care what those people think. ESFJs only seek affirmation from others because they want to please them and make them happy. They especially care about how their loved ones view them, so they will actively try to be perfect for them. This can push the ESFJ to try a bit too hard, since they can’t quite attain that perfect idea of themselves. They simply want their loved ones to be impressed by them, and strive to be someone they can be proud of.


ISTPs generally do not care about what others think of them, since they know they have zero desire to change for someone else. ISTPs are independent people who don’t seek affirmation from other people. They are comfortable and confident with themselves, and only strive to be better for their own sake. ISTPs do enjoy pushing themselves to grow and love taking on new things. They simply don’t get caught up on what other people think or feel about them.


ESTPs actually care about appearances, especially when it comes to what their loved ones think about them. They work hard to be perceived a certain way by people, and want to be seen as impressive. They are adventurous people, who enjoy being able to soak up the excitement in the world as well. Ultimately ESTPs want to be liked by people, especially those they value the most. It can be difficult for them to keep up with appearances, since they don’t actually want people to realize this about them.


ISFPs don’t really care about keeping up with appearances, since they are independent and moral people. They have their own internal values, and these are very import to them. They hold strong to what they believe in, regardless of what other people think. ISFPs do want affirmation from their loved ones, and find it important that those people believe in them. They just don’t want to compromise who they are to impress anyone else.


ESFPs are fun and eager people, who actually care what people think of them. It is important for ESFPs to be liked by others, they can actually become very upset if someone does not enjoy their presence. They want to impress people and love being able to entertain them. They often seek out affirmation from those around them, especially their loved ones. ESFPs truly care what people think of them, but this is mostly because they have tender and caring hearts themselves.

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