Here’s How Good at Deflecting You Are, According to Your Personality Type

Here’s How Good at Deflecting You Are, According to Your Personality Type

While some people prefer to be completely open, others dislike awkward conversations. When the conversation become too uncomfortable, some types are extremely skilled at deflecting. Here is how good at deflecting you are, according to your personality type.


INFJs definitely try not to avoid things, especially if it is important to their loved ones. They especially want to communicate their sincere feelings and get to the deeper meaning of things when they are sharing with the people they love. INFJs dislike surface conversations, but sometimes they will deflect if they think the topic at hand might hurt someone’s feelings. They certainly don’t want to upset people, but at the same time they do not want to be dishonest. Instead of diving into a troublesome topic, the INFJ might use their charm and intelligent as a way to deflect towards something else.


ENFJs are upfront people who definitely strive to be honest with their loved ones. They do not want to be seen as insincere, and sometimes they speak before thinking it through too much. ENFJs can sometimes deflect the conversation elsewhere if they feel like it might end up hurting someone’s feelings. They simply don’t want to upset people, and they especially don’t want to disappoint anyone. Sometimes ENFJs will avoid subjects that feel as though they are being attacked, and will be surprisingly skilled at deflecting.


INFPs certainly try to be open and sincere people, and dislike feeling as though they are hiding anything. When they are speaking with their loved ones they will strive to be honest with them. They might have a hard time when the conversation takes a turn down a road they dislike, and will feel extremely uncomfortable. Instead of deflecting the INFP might clam up, and seem a bit passive aggressive. They don’t want to upset their loved ones, and really hate feeling like a disappointment.


ENFPs are definitely skilled at deflecting if there is something they truly don’t want to discuss. They are charming and witty people, who know how to turn the conversation another direction if they so wish. When the ENFP feels like the subject is going to make them feel bad about themselves, they will find a way to deflect. They can also do this if their loved ones are calling them out and they feel personally attacked by them. ENFPs are caring and honest people, but at the same time they are very skilled at changing the conversation however they please.


INTJs are independent people, who prefer to have plenty of space to do what they please. When the INTJ feels like their conversation is going down a road they don’t want to follow, they can be very skilled at deflecting. This is often done because the INTJ is simply bored by the topic at hand, or because there is certain personal information they don’t feel comfortable sharing. INTJs are very good at being appropriate with others, and know how to steer the conversation so that it doesn’t seem too obvious.


ENTJs generally do not care to deflect, and would much rather be upfront about things. If they feel like they are being accused of something they are more than capable of debating that point and proving themselves right. ENTJs don’t want to avoid topics just because they make them feel a bit uncomfortable. They would much rather be upfront when it comes to discussing things with their loved ones. They are certainly capable of deflecting if they want to, but in most cases they don’t have this desire.


INTPs are analytical and intelligent people, who enjoy diving into their own thoughts. They like being able to discuss things with people who can actually follow their somewhat unusual train of thought. Feeling like their conversations are actually uncovering interesting ideas, is truly beneficial to the INTP. They don’t mind things that make them uncomfortable, and will often allow the conversation to go down such paths. There are some times where the INTP might not want to continue discussing things, especially if they are too personal. When this happens the INTP will be extremely skilled at deflecting and finding a way to distract from the topic at hand.


ENTPs often prefer to dive into topics that are a bit intense and even a little uncomfortable. They enjoy debating with people, and want to feel challenged and intrigued by their conversations. ENTPs often do not want to deflect, because they enjoy challenging themselves to step outside of their comfort zones. They also enjoy pushing the boundaries, and prefer to continue further down the rabbit hole. If the ENTP does feel like the conversation is becoming too personal, they are extremely skilled at deflecting and manipulating the conversation how they see fit.


ISTJs try to be sincere and upfront people, and have very strong inner morals. They believe in doing what is right and working hard to accomplish their goals. While ISTJs are often honest people, they do have moments where they simply want to be left in peace. They don’t like being disturbed by foolish drama, so sometimes they will feel the need to deflect. When this happens the ISTJ might seem agreeable, or take the opposite role and become frustrated. They simply do this in order to prevent the negative conversation from taking place.


ESTJs are outgoing and hardworking people, who enjoy being able to get things done. They rarely feel like deflecting, and in most situations will simply be upfront about things. They aren’t afraid to debate if someone is accusing them of something, and would rather plow through the situation than deflect. ESTJs realize that deflecting can just leave room for the topic to arise again, and instead will find ways to prove themselves right.


ISFJs are very modest and somewhat reserved people, who enjoy keeping to themselves when they can. They dislike certain topics, and will certainly try to deflect when they can. They don’t want to disrupt the harmony in the environment, so the ISFJ will attempt to turn the conversation in another direction. They are very capable of doing this, and will try to make it seem rather discreet to others. They just want to make their loved ones comfortable, and dislike conversations that can mess with the peace of the environment.


ESFJs honestly aren’t great at deflecting, since they do not want to be dishonest with their loved ones. If they are discussing something that makes them uncomfortable, they will likely express this openly. They will make it clear that they are frustrated and simply do not feel like talking about it. ESFJs dislike feeling as though they are a disappointment in any way, and might become uneasy with certain conversations because of this. They are certainly skilled at manipulating a conversation, but this is usually connected to the emotions of other people and not their own feelings.


ISTPs enjoy being on their own most of the time, and strive to have plenty of independence. They dislike being forced into anything, and this often includes conversations they dislike. ISTPs will usually not deflect, and will simply express their boundaries to others openly. If they do not feel comfortable with a conversation, they will not be afraid to say this. If the ISTP feels like they are being attacked, they are more than capable of standing up for themselves and will argue their point.


ESTPs generally don’t choose to deflect, and instead would rather face the topic head on. If they are discussing something that makes them uneasy, they will likely express this openly. They are very upfront with their loved ones, and rarely do they want to deflect. ESTPs can actually be somewhat argumentative people, and won’t be afraid to take on the challenge. They certainly don’t enjoy conversations that make them feel bad about themselves, but they are relatively good at defending themselves.


ISFPs definitely prefer to focus on things that make them happy, and enjoy living in the present moment. They aren’t the type of people to deflect intentionally, because they do prefer to be honest and upfront with their loved ones. ISFPs will usually face the conversation head on, but might become easily distracted by conversations that do not hold their interest. ISFPs simply become distracted by the world around them, because they are so caught up in the moment.


ESFPs might not deflect intentionally, but this happens because they are easily distracted. If the ESFP is not interested in the topic at hand it can be extremely difficult for them to maintain focus. They certainly do not want to take part in conversations that upset them, and will try to find ways to avoid it. ESFPs might not deflect in a manipulative or discreet way, but at the same time they are good at avoiding a conversation they don’t want to have.

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