Here’s How Each Personality Type Feels About Popularity

Here’s How Each Personality Type Feels About Popularity

While some people value popularity, others find it completely pointless. Here is how you feel about being popular, based on your personality type.


INFJs usually do not care about popularity, whether it be their own or the popularity of others. They personally don’t strive to be overly popular, and enjoy simply having a few close friends. If the INFJ has just one person to share their souls with, this means the world to them. For the INFJ being popular would feel like a chore, since they do need plenty of alone time. They don’t mind if the people they love have a certain level of popularity, and might admire their way of charming people. Ultimately INFJs care about what is inside the person, and not how other people perceive them.


ENFJs are naturally well-liked people, since they have a charisma and friendliness that draws people in. ENFJs enjoy being popular, simply because it is important that people perceive them as kind and fun. They enjoy being around loved ones and are always eager to make new friends. ENFJs don’t want to be popular for shallow reasons, but only because they want to make connections and friendships. They are happy when they are around others, especially when they can provide for those people. ENFJs care about making connections and want to be close to their loved ones.


INFPs rarely care much about popularity, and would rather make sincere connections. INFPs are capable of being sociable, and are often well-liked by the people around them. They have great senses of humor which can really go a long way with others. INFPs just don’t want to waste too much energy on trying to become popular, and would rather focus on making a small amount of real friends. INFPs also are not drawn to someone simply because they are popular and are much more interested in understanding what is on the inside of that person’s heart and mind.


ENFPs are usually popular people, since they are charismatic and outgoing. Most people enjoy being around their humorous and fun personalities. When the ENFP is younger they often care about being popular, and want to be liked by everyone they meet. They can have a hard time when someone does not seem to like them, and want to do whatever they can to change that person’s mind. The ENFP simply cares about others, and doesn’t want to be seen in a negative way. They often find ways to overcome this as they get older, and only strive to be liked by the people they love.


INTJs usually don’t care about being popular, and in some occasions would rather not make friends. They prefer to keep to themselves, and will only let a select few people in their world. INTJs believe in quality not quantity when it comes to true friendships. They want to find people who understand them and can connect with them on a deeper level. INTJs aren’t interested in shallow connections, which is why being popular often seems a bit exhausting to them. They also aren’t drawn to someone based on their popularity, and most likely couldn’t care less either way.


ENTJs are generally likable people, who are good at making friends. They might find that they are popular with others, mostly because of their outgoing and entertaining personalities. ENTJs don’t really care about being popular though, they simply enjoy having quality friendships. The most important thing for the ENTJ is loyalty, which is why they would rather have one loyal friend than a handful of untrustworthy ones. They aren’t against the idea of being popular, but when it comes to their real friends they can certainly tell the difference.


INTPs rarely care about being popular, but they do want to be liked by their loved ones. They can sometimes crave popularity, since they want to impress the people closest to them. Deep down though INTPs hate the responsibility of being popular or of having too many friends. They would much rather have sincere connections with a small amount of people who truly understand them. INTPs just want to feel understood by their loved ones, and hate having to pretend in any way. They also require plenty of space, so being overly popular can become draining for them after a while.


ENTPs are usually popular people, since they are outgoing, charming and funny. Their sense of humor and eagerness makes them exciting people to be around. ENTPs often find it easy to make friends, and find themselves becoming popular without much effort at all. ENTPs do enjoy having people to spend time with and connect with, but they often separate this from their true friends. They can tell the difference between people who are just momentary friends, and the friendships that are meaningful and lasting. For ENTPs popularity is just a fun challenge, not something that truly matters to them.


ISTJs generally do not care much for being popular, and would rather live a much more subtle life. They dislike being the center of attention and can easily become annoyed with too many needy people. Being popular seems a bit exhausting for ISTJs, which is why they try to avoid making too many friends. They would much rather have a few sincere friendships, and value meaningful connections. ISTJs can be well-liked in the workplace, but they don’t mind this because they can leave it behind when they go home. Popularity really isn’t important to the ISTJ, and is probably an unappealing thing to them.


ESTJs do enjoy being well-liked by others, and will definitely want to be popular to some extent. They want to be an important member of their family and their community, which requires a certain level of popularity. ESTJs are outgoing and enthusiastic people, which gets them far when it comes to making friends. They are very capable of becoming popular, especially when it comes to their hobbies and their general community. ESTJs might separate work from their friendships though, simply because they can be rather stern and focused at work.


ISFJs are usually very capable of being liked by others, since they are kind and polite people. They know how to make friends, and do enjoy being liked by their community members. ISFJs do not want to make enemies, which is why they prefer to be kind and make friends with everyone. ISFJs do not enjoy being popular for the obvious reasons though, and might find too many friendships to be a bit exhausting. They do care about being liked and respected by others, they just don’t need to have people around them all of the time.


For ESFJs it is important that their loved ones are impressed by them, and they care deeply what those people think. ESFJs are often very capable of making friends, since they are outgoing and warm people. Their ability to listen and be compassionate often wins people over, even if the ESFJ isn’t actively trying to do this. They simply want to care for others, and will do what it takes to make people happy. Their people pleaser attitude definitely makes the ESFJ popular with others, but this isn’t the most important thing to them. For the ESFJ it is more important to be popular with a select few people who they value and love.


ISTPs are naturally popular people, mostly because of their nonchalant attitude. While ISTPs can easily make friends, they don’t always want to. They don’t mind being seen as popular, but at the same time having to maintain that can be exhausting. ISTPs would often prefer to keep to themselves, and enjoy having plenty of space to think and do their own thing. Being popular is far too much effort and responsibility, that they simply have no interest in. ISTPs often don’t care much for having a lot of friends, which is why popularity can be a bit foolish in their minds.


ESTPs actually do enjoy being popular, even though they might keep this little fact to themselves. They want people to like them, and become frustrated if someone seems to dislike the ESTP. They want to make friends, and enjoy being seen as impressive to others. Their competitive attitude is often what causes the ESTP to strive to be popular with others. They are charismatic and friendly people, which often helps them win over most people.


ISFPs can feel a bit conflicted when it comes to striving for popularity. They do enjoy having friends, and are always looking to soak up the present moment. Having plenty of friends will certainly cause the ISFP to feel loved and happy, but at the same time they need space and alone time. This desire for plenty of time to themselves can cause the ISFP to dislike the idea of having to maintain too many friendships. When they get older the ISFP is more inclined to choose one or two people to connect with, rather than strive for popularity with many people.


ESFPs do care about popularity, and enjoy being liked by others. They can become easily hurt if they feel like someone does not like them, and will work hard to win them over. ESFPs simply want to make friends and enjoy feeling connected to as many people as possible. Of course they value their close loved ones the most, but at the same time ESFPs do enjoy being popularity. While it might appear shallow to others, ESFPs simply enjoy having friends and feeling close to people.

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