Here’s How Each Personality Type Behaves as a Caretaker

Here’s How Each Personality Type Behaves as a Caretaker

Some people are naturally gifted caretakers, while others struggle a little at it. Here is how each personality type behaves as a caretaker.


INFJs actually make excellent caretakers, since they have a natural awareness of other people’s emotions. They often find themselves in the position of caretaker, whether it be for a lover or a family member. INFJs are skilled at figuring out what someone needs in order to make them happy and feeling better. They are attentive to the people’s needs and their emotions, which makes them perfect in medical fields of all kinds. INFJs usually take care of the people they love, without even having to be asked. It is actually more comfortable for the INFJ to care for others than it is for them to be cared for.


ENFJs are often the caretakers of their families, without even having to be asked. They instantly come to the aid of others and are acutely aware of their needs. ENFJs natural state is that of a caretaker, since they genuinely enjoy making other people happy. ENFJs have an ability to sense others emotions, which helps them to find out what that person needs in order to feel better. They make excellent caretakers, since they are compassionate and warm people. Their ability to ease the pain of others, combined with their desire to help, makes ENFJs natural caretakers.


INFPs are compassionate and warm people, who dislike seeing others in pain. They may not be naturally aware of someone else’s needs, but they will certainly do their best to figure them out. INFPs are caring people, which can help them be good caretakers. They want to do their best to help others happy, especially if it is someone they care for deeply. INFPs will often take their time to understand someone in order to figure out how to help them feel better. INFPs usually prefer to let other people make their own choices, so they won’t naturally become the caretaker of their loved ones. When it comes to being a professional caretaker, INFPs often find themselves extremely happy in this type of position.


ENFPs certainly enjoy their independence, and although they are caring people they don’t always jump at the chance to become caretakers. ENFPs are more aware of their own emotions than they are the emotions of others, but that does not mean they do not care. They are generally very loving and giving people, who will even be seen as selfless. They don’t always have an awareness of what other’s want, but they will do their best to treat them how they would personally like to be treated. ENFPs make good caretakers simply because of their warmth and their ability to give to others.


INTJs are generally not caretakers, since they are much more focused on research and understanding. They are independent people who prefer to spend most of their time by themselves. Being around others for too long can really drain the INTJs energy and make them feel overwhelmed. INTJs actually make great caretakers for the people they love deeply, and will do everything to ensure their happiness. INTJs might struggle to understand the emotions of other people, but they definitely are good at helping the practical needs of others. INTJs can logically assess someone’s needs and figure out how to make them more comfortable, which makes them decent as caretakers.


ENTJs are definitely good are caring for their loves ones, but might have a hard time helping strangers. They are intelligent people which helps them discover what the more practical needs of someone else might be. They are not naturally warm people, which might make the role of caretaker a bit more difficult for them. ENTJs ability to get things done and figure out a strategy, will help them understand what someone will need in order to feel better. They simply are not skilled at assisting with emotions, and prefer to focus on being efficient.


INTPs are definitely caring and moral people, but that doesn’t naturally make them good caretakers. They are independent and self-sufficient, which can make the INTPs struggle to be good at assisting others. INTPs definitely are not naturally aware of the emotions of others, and might struggle to figure out what someone else needs. This can cause the INTP to fail at being a helpful caretaker, especially since they are often caught up in their own thoughts. They will certainly want to help other people, but may not find this to be a good career for them.


ENTPs are very outgoing and charismatic people, which can actually help them be good caretakers. ENTPs can often help make a stressful situation more relaxed with their sense of humor and ability to bring up the mood of others. ENTPs may not be excellent at tending to the emotions of others, but they have a natural ability to understand and observe people. They are great at paying attention to someone’s behaviors and reading little changes in their attitude. ENTPs may not find themselves drawn to the caretaking fields, but they can be surprisingly skilled at them,


ISTJs are actually great caretakers simply because they are skilled at aiding to someone’s practical needs. They may not be extremely warm caretakers, but they are intelligent and capable of seeing what someone truly needs. The ISTJ may not be excellent at helping someone’s emotional desires, but they will definitely be able to give them what they truly need. Their ability to work hard and get things done, is helpful when it comes to making sure someone is properly cared for.


ESTJs are very aware of the practical needs of others, which makes them decent as caretakers. They may not be the most emotionally supportive people, but they are certainly good at getting things done. The ESTJ wants to be able to provide for their loved ones, and will do their best to make sure they are cared for. The ESTJ is good at figuring out ways to tend to the practical needs of people, which makes them fairly good as caretakers.


ISFJs are extremely warm people, which makes them excellent as caretakers. They have a natural ability to sense the emotional needs of someone else, and will be quick to help. ISFJs are often seen as the caretakers of their loved ones, and commit to this role with ease. ISFJs actually enjoy being able to care for others, and derive a sense of purpose and joy from this. They are the natural caretakers of their families, but are also very skilled in certain caretaking fields.


ESFJs are often seen as the caretakers of the personality world, and find themselves fitting into this role very easily. ESFJs are often the ones to take care of their families and loved ones, and care very deeply for their well-bring. They are warm and affectionate people, who want to do whatever they can to make people happy. ESFJs often feel more at ease caring for other’s than they do tending to their own personal needs. They are usually found in caretaking fields, because of their awareness of other people’s emotions and their desire to make them happy.


ISTPs are very independent people, who crave adventure and excitement in their lives. They are not naturally seen as caretakers, simply because they prefer to be on their own most of the time. ISTPs are not naturally aware of the emotions of others, and might have trouble seeing the important in feelings. They are smart people, which can help them understand what someone may need in order to feel better, but they aren’t necessarily great as assisting them. ISTPs are caring people, they just aren’t great in the caretaking fields.


ESTPs are generally not seen as caretakers, since they are often more focused on business careers. They are surprisingly giving when it comes to their loved ones though, and will try very hard to help them. They will certainly do what they can to ensure that their loved ones are happy, and want to make them feel special. ESTPs are not necessarily bad as caretakers, they just don’t usually find themselves drawn to those fields professionally.


ISFPs are warm and loving people, which can help them be good caretakers. They are not the most organized people, which can cause them to struggle as nurses or doctors- especially if the ISFP has certain orders they need to follow. They are actually really caring people, which helps the ISFP ensure that their loved ones are happy. Their strong sense of morals actually can help ISFPs become good caretakers, since they feel rewarded by helping others.


ESFPs are not often viewed as caretakers, since they are more seen as social and fun loving people. In truth ESFPs can be surprisingly good as caretakers, since they care for others deeply. ESFPs are social which can help them find ways to relax others and make them feel more comfortable. Their ability to bring up the mood of other people and make light of things, helps the ESFP be skilled in caretaking positions.

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