Here’s How Each Personality Type Approaches a Challenge

Here’s How Each Personality Type Approaches a Challenge

While some people run screaming from a challenge, others approach them eagerly. Here is how each personality type approaches challenges.


INFJs are perfectly aware that life is full of challenges, but they don’t approach each one the same. They want to be sure that they are always doing the right thing, and want to take on challenges that are worthy of their efforts. INFJs care about others, and don’t want their actions to negatively affect them. When it comes to new challenges INFJs will assess them, and in some cases they might feel a bit nervous. INFJs can dislike too much change, and want to be sure that the end result will be worth their efforts.


ENFJs definitely approach challenges with strength and determination. They don’t want to do anything that will disappoint their loved ones, so they push themselves towards success. When the ENFJ stumbles on a new challenge, they will figure out the best way to overcome it. They are strong willed and intuitive people, who simply don’t want to be held back by fear. They often take on many different tasks at once, juggling things that most people would not be able to handle.


INFPs assess each challenge differently and can become overwhelmed by too many difficult hurdles. It entirely depends on how they are feeling challenged, since some things can push them in the wrong direction. INFPs just don’t like feeling pressured to live up to certain standards, and only want to take on challenges that they feel will actually benefit them in a positive way. INFPs can certainly face a challenge that will help them grow as a person, but many things can feel a bit unnecessary to them.


ENFPs look at a challenge as something exciting and new to experience. For them it entirely depends on what the challenge is though, and how serious the ramifications might be. If the challenge in front of them is frightening and detrimental to their future, the ENFP might be afraid of facing it alone. When the challenges are simply struggles that require them to push a little harder and use their imaginations, they will be more than capable of overcoming these things on their own. They enjoy things that challenge them a little, and dislike stagnancy.


INTJs often love a challenge, and will approach it as an opportunity to learn and grow. They can become bored if things are too easy, and enjoy something that challenges them intellectually. INTJs aren’t afraid of a challenge, and will take the proper time to assess the best way to approach it. They expect that life will be filled with different struggles and are fully capable of analyzing and combining their knowledge with their own intuition. INTJs can handle challenges and often enjoy being able to use them too learn and grow.


ENTJs take on challenges with strength and determination, and enjoy being able to push themselves. They aren’t afraid of new challenges and often expect that they are a part of life. ENTJs have lofty goals, which ultimately means they will endure many different challenges in their lives. They will use their strategic planning abilities in order to figure out the best way to overcome whatever struggles they face. ENTJs use the trials they face as a way to learn and grow into someone better and stronger.


INTPs enjoy the occasional challenge in life, or else they become rather bored. They need to experience new things and dislike feeling stagnant. INTPs will approach a challenge as a useful way to learn and grow. They want to constantly find ways to be improving and don’t want to be afraid to take chances in life. INTPs take on challenges with their minds, and use their analytical skills to figure out the best way to solve the problem at hand and to overcome.


ENTPs enjoy facing new challenges, since they absolutely hate staying stagnant. ENTPs are actually bored rather easily, so they need new challenges and experiences in order to feel excited and stimulated. If they are stuck in the same place for too long they become miserable, and truly need to challenge their own minds in order to improve. ENTPs search out growth in their lives and want to constantly feel like they are learning and improving. When they are faced with a challenge they will take it on head first, without hesitation or trepidation.


ISTJs definitely approach a challenge by doing plenty of research, and will do their best to discover how to overcome it. ISTJs don’t enjoy failing and want to be as prepared as possible to take on whatever comes their way. They do plenty of research in order to fully understand the task in front of them, and don’t want to jump in without knowing exactly what they are doing.


ESTJs take on challenges with plenty of preparation and try to be as efficient as possible. ESTJs expect challenges in life and realize that they need to be prepared in order to overcome things. They are strong people who aren’t afraid to push through struggles in order to accomplish their goals. ESTJs don’t crumble when things because a little difficult and instead want to find the best course of action in order to come out the other side stronger.


ISFJs want to keep a sense of harmony in their environment, so certain challenges can be a bit overwhelming for them. They want their loved ones to feel comfortable and will work hard to make them happy. ISFJs will try to find the best way to approach a challenge so that they can get things back to normal once again. They enjoy having a schedule and want things to be comfortable. When a challenge comes along it can be a bit stressful for them, but they will find a way to fix things.


ESFJs dislike certain challenges because it can put a lot of pressure on them to succeed. They want their loved ones to be happy and this is something that they work hard to make happen. Too many challenges can be stressful for ESFJs, since they don’t want to fail in any way. They hate feeling like they have let someone else down, and want to be sure they accomplish their tasks perfectly. They will certainly take on any challenge that they must, but it might be a bit stressful for them.


ISTPs aren’t afraid of a challenge, and enjoy anything that excites and stimulates them. If the challenge they are facing is something that feels a bit adventurous and can be turned into something exciting, they will certainly approach it head on. ISTPs just don’t want to feel forced to deal with things, and want to take care of their problems on their own terms. They certainly aren’t afraid of a challenge, and expect life to be filled with a few hurdles.


ESTPs can approach certain challenges head on, especially when it comes to things they understand how to deal with properly. When the challenge at hand is something tied to their emotions, the ESTP might feel a bit uneasy with this. Certainly challenges might be put off for a long time, since ESTPs can find themselves procrastinating a lot of their issues in life.


ISFPs dislike having to deal with too many challenges in life, since they enjoy having a bit of peace. They want to feel free to enjoy the present moment without feeling hung up on the struggles around them. They might avoid certain challenges instead of approaching them head on, at least until they feel completely ready to cope. ISFPs are often procrastinators, and want to approach things in life on their own terms and their time.


ESFPs can sometimes sweep things under the rug, and don’t like having to deal with struggles. They want their lives to be exciting and fun most of the time, and really hate things that bring them down. ESFPs don’t want to deal with challenges and often become frustrated with things they must handle. They can certainly face the struggles, but only if they absolutely have to do so.

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