Written By Kirsten Moodie

Here’s How Reassuring You Can Be, Based on Your Personality Type

While some people find it easy to reassure and comfort those around them, others struggle to say the right things. Here is how reassuring you can be, based on your personality type.


INFJs are naturally reassuring people, especially when they care deeply for someone. They can often intuitively grasp what this person needs in order to make them feel comforted. INFJs know how to put people at ease about the future, even when they are feeling overwhelmed. They can often say just the right words in order to help people move forward and feel a sense of ease and comfort. INFJs are very supportive people who understand how hard life can be at times. They want to find ways to make life easier on their loved ones, and enjoy being able to be the one who reassures them.


ENFJs are very reassuring people, especially when they put forth the effort towards helping someone. Their main focus is to take care of their loved ones and work to make them as happy as possible. ENFJs are very people focused, and they naturally have a sense of the emotions of others. When the ENFJ senses that someone is overwhelmed, they definitely will seek to comfort and reassure them. Their awareness of others helps the ENFJ understand how to properly reassure the person who is in need, and they will often go out of their way to do this.


INFPs are naturally honest people, who don’t like to paint a fake picture for others. While they aren’t interested in pretending, they still have a way of comforting people. For the INFP it is more about being a great listener, and being as supportive as possible. They will be there when someone is struggling, and can reassure them by expressing the positive truths that they can see. INFPs do want to ease the pain of those around them, and are great at simply being there when someone needs them.


ENFPs are definitely capable of comforting people they care for, but it simply depends on the situation. They want to be there for their loved ones, and ENFPs are often good at looking at the bright side. They don’t like to take things too seriously, and sometimes this lighthearted attitude can help reassure others that everything will be okay. ENFPs simply have a tendency to become distracted, and might not always recognize how much someone needs reassuring. They sometimes want to breeze past the negative, even when it requires more time and effort to work through something.



INTJs aren’t often good at reassuring people emotionally, but they can help in more practical ways. INTJs can often work to come up with positive solutions for their loved ones to solve whatever struggles they are going through. They can often be reassuring by expressing a clear path to fixing whatever ails them, and will definitely do this for the people they care about. INTJs might not be reassuring in a touchy-feely sort of way, but they know how to be supportive with their loved ones. They are great at figuring out the most reasonable ways to get things done, and this can actually be extremely reassuring for people who can process the information.


ENTJs are not naturally at ease with emotions, and might struggle to console someone who is upset. They aren’t necessarily reassuring people, but they can find ways to help others in need. If someone has a problem that can be solved, the ENTJ can definitely reassure them. They are great at figuring out a way to improve the situation, which can be very reassuring for some. If the person is receptive and open to the help of the ENTJ, they can come up with a concrete plan to make their future much brighter.


INTPs aren’t seen as naturally reassuring people, but this is a skill they can often develop as they mature. They care to help their loved ones, and dislike seeing them in pain. The INTP will definitely try to be as reassuring as possible, but sometimes their blunt honesty can get in the way. INTPs want to be as precise as possible and sometimes this can be a bit of a letdown when someone is upset. When people are emotionally overwhelmed, sometimes too much blunt truth can be worse for them. INTPs want to be reassuring but sometimes they become the opposite in certain situations.


ENTPs aren’t always the most reassuring people, simply because they become distracted easily. ENTPs prefer to focus on logic and exploration, rather than the emotional needs of others. They do however care about their loved ones deeply and want to do whatever they can to help them. They might work to come up with helpful ways to solve the problem at hand, but this isn’t always reassuring. ENTPs can sometimes be blunt and overly realistic, especially if it seems like something won’t turn out well. This can be difficult for people to handle when they are in need of emotional support and comfort.



ISTJs can be excellent listeners, but they aren’t really great at being reassuring when someone is upset. ISTJs are more focused on finding practical ways to solve the problem at hand. They can sometimes be blunt and stern, and will immediately want to find a way to fix the issues. This can be difficult for some people who simply want comforting words in order to feel more reassured. While it doesn’t sit well with everyone, for some it can actually be reassuring to receive the advice of the ISTJ.


ESTJs aren’t always the most emotionally reassuring people, but they are problem solvers. They will often want to find a way to take care of the problem their loved ones are having in a practical manner. This can be very helpful and for some it is reassuring to know that they have assistance. For others the ESTJs sometimes harsh demeanor can be difficult to swallow, and might leave them feeling more upset than they were beforehand.


ISFJs are naturally reassuring people, especially when they see someone in pain. They often know the right words to say in order to comfort someone and make them feel better about their problems. ISFJs are also good at finding ways to fix the problem, since they want to remove the pain from their loved ones lives. They dislike seeing other people upset and can often feel this very deeply. ISFJs will do whatever they can to be supportive and help comfort the ones who are in need.


ESFJs can definitely be reassuring people, especially towards their loved ones. When the ESFJ sees someone in pain they often want to do whatever it takes to comfort them. They are naturally in tune with the emotions of others, which helps them reach a deeper understanding of what those people truly need. ESFJs will do whatever they can to make their loved ones feel reassured and fully supported by them. They often know what needs to be said in order to make the situation much easier to swallow, rather than giving the harsher side of things.



ISTPs aren’t naturally reassuring people and sometimes they struggle to comfort those around them. For ISTPs it isn’t easy to handle the emotions of others, and they often prefer to be on their own because of this. ISTPs need plenty of time by themselves to recharge and feel fully like themselves. They will want to help the people they care for, but they might do this in more practical ways. The ISTP might try to give advice towards their loved ones, even when they don’t want to hear what they have to say.


ESTPs can be reassuring in their own way, especially when someone they love truly needs it. They can sometimes be a bit harsh though and instead of being emotionally comforting the ESTP wants to solve the problem. If someone is doing things that harm themselves, the ESTP will likely show them their clear mistakes. Not everyone wants this blatant truth thrown in their face, but the ESTP is often just seeking to help them move forward towards happier lives.


ISFPs can definitely be reassuring people, especially when they see their loved ones need support. They know how to look at the positive and bring up the mood of those around them. ISFPs want to make their loved ones happy, and are very sensitive to the world around them. When someone truly needs comfort the ISFP often knows how to be supportive and helpful. They are good at showing people that things will get better for them, especially when they are struggling to see the other side.


ESFPs can sometimes become easily distracted, especially when the situation is too overwhelming for them. While they can become distracted, the ESFP does know how to be there for someone who is truly upset and in need. When their loved ones seem overwhelmed the ESFP often knows how to ease their sadness, sometimes by finding ways to distract that person from what is going on. ESFPs often know how to look on the bright side of things, which can be helpful when someone is feeling rather down.



Kirsten Moodie

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