ENTP Personality

The ENTP Personality is all about being inventive. The ENTP wants to figure out the world around them, and will tend to be a bit unconventional and experimental with their environment. The ENTP can be a bit charming in their approach. They can come from an angle that most people do not see. The more they interact with the people and places they visit, the more they refine their understanding. The ENTP has their own internal map that is constantly being updated. They are also great at understanding others and figuring out what they want. They can be very helpful and supportive, usually finding a way to help out others. Because of this, the ENTP can be very magnetic and find a way to inspire others. They can be inventive and entrepreneurial because they want to strike out on something new. They have a way with words and can usually get others to buy in on their vision. The ENTP can constantly be on the go or experimenting with some new gadget which causes them not to take enough care of themselves. They need to pay attention to their physical needs and learn to slow down, pace themselves, and eat healthy. Self care is one of the most important things an ENTP needs to remember. If they can learn a bit more patience and tenacity to finish, they can be very effective. 

Enneagram Type 6 (6w5 6w7)

The Enneagram Type 6 is all about security. The Enneagram Six wants to live a lifestyle of safety and to be supported. This usually leads to them joining up with people and groups that can provide this. They usually become vet good at understanding how they can fill a role that will contribute to their tribe. They are good at foreseeing problems and figuring out ways to solve them before they occur. Because of this, they are hyper alert and may sometimes be stressed out. They are full of self doubt because they don’t believe the can be their own support. They are at their best when they are able to relax and be self sufficient. They are naturally able to help others, but they should become better at helping themselves. The Enneagram 6 is very loyal, and will stick through even the toughest of times as long as they believe they are supported. They don’t believe in being the loudest or draw the most attention, believing that it can be dangerous to have such a target on their back. However, their self doubt is their biggest achilles heel. They need to learn to believe in themselves. They need to make decisions on their own and build a track record of having success without needing support. The 6 is all about sticking with the people they are loyal to though, which makes them a very good friend and companion. They need to address their emotional insecurity. They can be a walking contradiction at times. If they can learn to manage and confront their fear, they can become that strong person they are searching for in someone else. 


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