How Each Myers-Briggs Type Handles Being Alone

Of course we all know that introverts need their alone time, while extroverts require proper socialization. But how does each type actually handle being alone? Here is how we think each personality feels being alone.


INFJs love being alone a good amount of the time. They enjoy being around the people that they love, but sometimes just communicating with them over text is enough. As long as they know everyone in their lives is okay, the INFJ enjoys having plenty of alone time. Being alone with their thoughts does not make the INFJ uncomfortable, but rather they feel very at ease. When the INFJ is alone they do their best thinking and are often able to sort out everything that has been rumbling around inside of their heads. They get to take time for themselves and explore their own inner mind without feeling guilty for it. The freedom and time to focus on only the things that they like to do, will make the INFJ feel recharged and refreshed.


ENFJs thrive when they are around others. They prefer being able to help their loved ones and take care of their needs. They enjoy socializing and feel at their best when they are capable of being surrounded by their favorite people. Although the ENFJ prefers being around good company, they are perfectly comfortable with being alone as well. They enjoy being able to have enough time and energy to themselves to tend to the things that are important. They occasionally enjoy the peace and quiet to do the things that they often cannot do when they are surrounded by others. The biggest reason the ENFJ will need time alone, is because their constant need to please can actually become draining on them after a while.


INFPs enjoy their alone time a great deal, but too much solitude can become boring for them. As long as they are surrounded by the things that they like to do, the INFP may be able to spend a few days alone without being antsy. After a while they often like to keep in contact with the people that they care about. Often they don’t need to be around people, but just want to know that those people are close by and still care about them. INFPs often enjoy being able to be “alone” but with the people they care about present. Being able to have their peace and quiet but still have someone they love with them sharing in that silence, is often perfect for the INFP.


ENFPs love being around people and often enjoy being able to make deep connections with others. Even though they are extroverts the ENFP also enjoys having some alone time. They enjoy being able to process their often rampant thoughts and feelings without having to entertain others. They spend a lot of time scanning their environment and caring about the people around them, which can become draining after a while. Once the ENFP feels overwhelmed they need some time alone to focus on themselves and the things that they enjoy. ENFPs crave being around others though, and probably spend that time alone still in contact with their favorite people.


INTJs both require and enjoy their time spent alone. Like any introvert they need this time to recharge, but they also thoroughly enjoy it. Being able to intuitively gather information and then logically sort it out, is an important thing for the INTJ. They need to be able to process all of this information within the confines of their own mind without having interruptions. Not being able to process this data and come to interesting conclusions about it, is stifling and miserable for the INTJ. To do this they need plenty of alone time and are perfectly happy with that. INTJs do enjoy being able to interact with others who share similar interests, but they will require large amounts of time alone. This is important to their well-being and their ability to fully be themselves.


ENTJs are often extremely social people and enjoy being surrounded by others. The struggle lies in the fact that they have little patience for people they feel lack intelligence. ENTJs want loyal and intelligent people around them, if they have this they will not need much alone time at all. When the ENTJ is surrounded by people who test their patience, they find that they need to be away from them. ENTJs are intelligent and intuitive individuals, who are excellent leaders and strategic planners. In an environment where these qualities are nourishes the ENTJ isn’t in need of much alone time at all.


INTPs thrive on being able to get as much alone time as possible. Being introverts, they not only need their alone time they also thrive in it. INTPs do best when they are given space to figure out the thoughts inside their heads. They are extremely internal thinkers and need time to be able to process what they are thinking and even feeling. Although INTPs may love being alone a large amount of the time, they often dislike feeling lonely. If the INTP has people who care about them and are there for them, just knowing that fact makes them feel completely at ease when they are alone.


Of course being that they are extroverts ENTPs need their social time to feel recharged. Ultimately they are very social people, who love to bounce ideas and thoughts off of others. They often become very unhappy if they are alone for too long and will seek out people to socialize with. The struggle is that ENTPs can become frustrated with ignorant or obnoxious people who do not understand them. Once this happens the ENTP may seek refuge and attempt to avoid being around others for a short time. An ENTP is best when they have people around them who are like-minded.


ISTJs not only need their alone time, they cherish it. ISTJs are very dutiful and enjoy being able to provide for others, but once it is time to be by themselves they may become annoyed with people who do not allow this. They spend a lot of their time thinking about the things they need to get done and often require privacy to do so. ISTJs are very hard-working, because of this they need time to themselves. They do best when they are allowed to unwind and gather their thoughts together. Being able to relax with a good book or just go over the things they need to do the next day is good for the ISTJ.


ESTJs are extremely social individuals, who crave being around others. Even short times of being alone may frustrate the ESTJ and cause them to search for socialization. They need to be able to bounce their thoughts and ideas off of others or else they become antsy. ESTJs love feelings like an important part of the community, whatever their community may be. Whether it is the people in their town, social group, or even their family. They find that being around those people is very important and become unhappy if they are separate for very long. Like anyone the ESTJ needs a combination of alone-time and socialization, but they are one of the types who probably needs the least amount of alone-time. They do become impatient with people but often would prefer to control their environment, rather than escape from it.


ISFJs are introverts who often do not get enough time alone. Of course they require this alone time to recharge, but often force themselves to interact with others out of feelings of guilt. They don’t want the people around them to feel neglected or unloved, so they will often push themselves to stay social when they desperately need time alone. Just like any introvert the ISFJ needs their time alone to recharge and feel energized again. They often spend more of their time tending to the needs of others, which makes them forget to take care of themselves.


ESFJs are social people who crave being around the people that they care about. They enjoy being able to enrich other’s lives and want to do their best to make people happy. When they are alone too much, like any extrovert, the ESFJ will become drained and unhappy. Although the ESFJ needs time to socialize and are very friendly, they do not feel unhappy with a decent amount of time alone. As long as they know their loves ones are cared for, they often enjoy the opportunity to get things done. Being alone means that the ESFJ can think about all the things they need to do, so that they can better the lives of those around them. Being allowed time to be away from their acute awareness of others emotions, can be good for the ESFJ.


ISTPs not only require alone time, but they often enjoy immense amounts of time away. They need this time to process their internal thoughts and figure out different ideas that they have gathered from the world around them. They enjoy the space and freedom to make their own choices, and being alone often allows them this. ISTPs may unintentionally neglect others because of this need to be alone often. They don’t mean to do this, the ISTP just feels extremely comfortable on their own. They are independent and intelligent people, who enjoy their space to process information.


ESTPs often struggle with alone time and can feel uneasy even in short bursts. They want to be constantly excited and on the move. If the ESTP sits still for too long they feel antsy and frustrated. They prefer most of the time to be with others and would much rather be socializing than sitting alone. Even though they enjoy being able to process their thoughts, the ESTP often prefers to do that in the company of others. ESTPs are probably some of the most extroverted people, even though they can become frustrated with others easily. As long as they are around people they enjoy, they really don’t need much time alone.


Being that they are introverts ISFPs require time alone to recharge. Although they like being able to enjoy the peace and quiet of their own minds, ISFPs often enjoy being around others. The ISFP will feel happiest if they have someone to share their alone time with. Being able to sit quietly and peacefully in the presence of someone they care deeply for, is perfect for the ISFP. This gives them the chance to process their thoughts and feelings, while still being in the company of someone they feel connected to.


Although ESFPs are extremely extroverted individuals, alone time doesn’t make them feel terribly uncomfortable. They require socialization but can become frustrated if people are too demanding of them. When people are attempting to control the ESFP, they will feel the need to separate themselves from people for a short time. As long as they can remain in contact with others the ESFP will be fine. Ultimately the ESFP enjoys being around people, and loved being able to entertain and find the joy in life.


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