How Each Personality Type Deals with Anxiety

How Each Myers Briggs Type Deals with Anxiety

Anxiety is an extremely difficult burden to handle, for anyone who suffers with it. This is something that might be more prevalent in certain personality types, but is certainly seen in all of the types. Anxiety can show itself with a variety of different faces, and everyone deals with it in their own way. Of course, if you are anyone you know suffers with anxiety, the best solution is to seek professional help if things become too difficult. There are definitely different levels of anxious behavior, but someone who suffers from severe or clinical anxiety certainly needs to seek professional assistance.

Here is how each personality type likely handles their anxiety, and how it shows itself.

INFJ Anxiety

INFJs are often extremely sensitive to their surroundings, this includes emotions, noises and any sort of sensory influx. The fact that INFJs are sensitive to others, can often cause them to become anxious. They need time to themselves in order to recharge, but if they are not allowed this time the INFJ can become extremely uneasy and even anxious. If they already suffer with anxiety, then not getting time to themselves can really cause this to act up and become extremely overwhelming for them.

INFJs can also struggle with anxiety which is tied to their perfectionism. They want to please others, but expectations can sometimes push them over the edge. INFJs desire to do things the right way, can sometimes cause them anxiety and fear that they cannot accomplish their goals. INFJs often put a lot of pressure on themselves, which can cause them a serious amount of anxiety.

Their anxiety can present themselves in different ones, sometimes this causes them to appear extremely shut off. They will often appear very quiet and distant from those around them, and maybe even a bit moody. It is important that INFJ takes time for themselves, if they do not do this it can became bad for their mental health. In order to help them relax and ease their anxious feelings, they need to be able to have space to themselves. When they are ready, it is important that they know their loved ones will be there for them, to show them love and support.

ENFJ Anxiety

ENFJs put a lot of pressure on themselves to succeed, especially for the people they love. They want to do their best to make others happy, and will work very hard to accomplish this. Their desire to make everything perfect, can often cause the ENFJ to suffer from anxiety. This will often be expressed by their high strung behavior, and the occasional moody reaction when people are not responding properly.

The most important thing is for the ENFJ to have support from their loved ones. They are often capable of pushing themselves very hard, and can usually overcome their anxious behavior. If the ENFJ does not have the love and support of the people closest to them, then it will seem almost pointless for them to push past their concerns and become successful in their goals.

INFP Anxiety

INFPs can often suffer with anxiety, and unfortunately this can come with panic attacks. If they are forced into awkward social situations, or if they are made to withstand being around people for far too long, INFPs can become rather anxious. They need plenty of alone time, and not being allowed this can push them into attacks of anxiety. INFPs are extremely connected to the world around them, and their sensitive souls can often be the cause of their anxiety. They often spend plenty of time overthinking everything in their lives, which can often work them into become extremely anxious and unsure of themselves.

The most important thing for an INFP to do, is to take time for themselves. Do the things that they enjoy most, and only with the people they trust and care for the most. They need to allow themselves time to recharge, and not feel guilty about this.

ENFP Anxiety

ENFPs can sometimes experience anxiety, especially because they care very deeply for others. They might fear that they are not living up to their loved ones expectations, and this will often worry them. They can also overthink their own decisions, causing them to wonder if they are missing out in some ways. ENFPs may not express their anxiety in the more obvious ways, and might even be great at hiding how they are feeling from most people. They don’t want to worry others, and would hate for people to think less of them because of their anxiety.

The best thing for the ENFP to do, is to be upfront with their loved ones. If they are worried about something, simply discussing it with someone they trust can help them to figure out the problem at hand. Spending time doing the things they love, without feeling guilty for it, is a great way to help them overcome their anxious feelings.

INTJ Anxiety

INTJs are often very intelligent individuals, with rich and active inner minds. Although having these incredible minds is a great thing, it can also bring them a lot of stress. Their tendency to overthink everything, can sometimes cause the INTJ to become rather anxious. They might even experience anxiety from certain social situations that they feel obligated to partake in. Since they are introverted, they need time to themselves, but sometimes other people cannot accept this.

It is important for the INTJ to take command and learn to take the time out for themselves that they need. The people who are loyal to them will be more than willing to support their need for space and time alone. Sometimes research can help the INTJ by learning more about anxiety and how to better ease it. INTJs thrive on knowledge, so if they are able to completely understand their anxiety, they are likely to overcome it.

ENTJ Anxiety

ENTJs are not one of the more common types to suffer from anxiety, but of course this does happen. When an ENTJ becomes anxious, it is often because they have too much on their plate. They will often attempt to just push forward in order to accomplish their goals, but they are also extremely skilled at doing this while ignoring their inner emotional state, which can lead to problems. ENTJs can also become anxious and stressed if they feel like they cannot trust the people around them. Feeling like the peoples closest to them do not value their hard work is very unnerving for an ENTJ.

When the ENTJ becomes anxious, they need to attempt to understand what is causing this reaction. They need to take a closer look at the stress in their lives that might be spurring these anxious feelings. Understanding their problem is definitely helpful for the ENTJ, since they are great at solving these issues.

INTP Anxiety

INTPs unfortunately are prone to suffering from anxiety, mostly because of their overactive and intelligent brains. They are always thinking of different potential outcomes, but this can turn into worry. The INTP might become concerned that they did not make the right decision, or even become so fearful that they fail to take the next step in their lives. The fact that the INTP overthinks just about everything, can often push them into becoming extremely anxious.

INTPs can also become anxious because they neglect their physical health for too long. Their active inner minds can distract them from taking care of their physical needs, such as eating and drinking. This can cause the INTP to feel ill, which might lead to them becoming very anxious.

It is important for INTPs to get on a schedule when it comes to certain physical needs, in order to maintain their health. Learning to differentiate what is actually going on with them can help ease their stress a little. Taking time to relax is extremely important for INTPs and they might even find that meditation can help ease their overthinking.

ENTP Anxiety

ENTPs are very intelligent individuals, but this intelligence can often cause them to overthink things. They enjoy exploring new possibilities, but sometimes they fear that they are missing out on other paths. ENTPs sometimes doubt their decisions, simply because making one means they missed out on something else. This can cause the ENTP to feel anxious or become frustrated with themselves. They can also suffer from physical anxiety, especially if they neglect their health needs for too long. Becoming distracted by the wonders of the world around them can occasionally cause the ENTP to forget their needs.

It is important for the ENTP to understand their anxiety and to take steps to let go of it. Meditation can sometimes help with this, or even just spending time with loved ones. It is important for the ENTP to let go of their fear of missing out, and accept that their decisions were made with as much knowledge possible.

ISTJ Anxiety

ISTJs can sometimes put too much pressure on themselves to get things done correctly. If plans fall through or things don’t flow properly, the ISTJ might feel overwhelmed and blame themselves. This can cause them to become very anxious, and even high strung. They will often attempt to fix the problem, but even if the issue is solved it still causes the ISTJ a great deal of anxiety.

It is important for them to take time to recognize their own accomplishments, and to realize that they cannot be perfect. The ISTJ needs to be around people who appreciate and support them, especially since they are often extremely hardworking and loyal people.

ESTJ Anxiety

ESTJs are, more often than not, high-strung individuals and this can cause them to suffer from anxiety. They are hardworking people who want to accomplish their goals. This drive to be successful can sometimes cause the ESTJ to put too much pressure on themselves. This pressure can push the ESTJ into extremely anxious behavior, which is not good for them.

It is important for the ESTJ to take time for themselves, and to stop once in a while to recognize their own accomplishments. They need to accept that they cannot be everywhere, and they cannot be perfect at everything they do. The support and recognition of their loved ones is often a great tool in helping them overcome their anxious behavior.

ISFJ Anxiety

ISFJs have a need to please their loved ones, but this need can sometimes cause them to become overwhelmed. ISFJs want to make others happy, but they are also introverts which means they need plenty of alone time. They will often put others first and ignore their own need to be alone. This can cause the ISFJ to become extremely anxious and overwhelmed.

It is important for ISFJs to remember that if they do not care for themselves, they won’t be able to care for their loved ones. In order to make others happy, they need to ensure that their own mental health is cared for. Once they take enough time to recharge they can go back to their naturally giving and nurturing selves.

ESFJ Anxiety

ESFJs care very deeply for their loved ones and want to do whatever they can to make them happy. This desire to please people can actually cause the ESFJ immense amounts of anxiety. They will often take on too many tasks in an effort to satisfy the people they care for. This can cause the ESFJ to become overwhelmed and extremely anxious. They might even suffer from panic attacks, and other various anxious behaviors. Feeling like they aren’t living up to the expectations of others is the worst thing for an ESFJ.

It is extremely important for the ESFJ to take time for themselves to do the things that they enjoy. They need to do this in order to recharge, and let go of the stress in their lives. If they are feeling overwhelmed, they need their loved ones to show them support and appreciation.

ISFP Anxiety

ISFPs occasionally experience anxiety, especially since they are such sensitive souls. They are often connecting to their surroundings and can become uneasy if they are overwhelmed with too much noise or social interaction. ISFPs might even become anxious if they feel like the people around them are uncaring or selfish. Being around negative people like this is something that ISFPs truly dislike.

ISFPs require plenty of alone time in order to recharge, and will not be themselves if they cannot get this. It is important for ISFPs to avoid negative people and only keep the people in their lives that make them feel happy.

ESFP Anxiety

ESFPs are often seen as happy-go-lucky people, but they can suffer from anxiety. They can sometimes overthink things and become stressed about various situations. ESFPs love being around others, but if they feel like they aren’t being appreciated it can cause them to become rather upset. They might even work themselves into an anxious reaction, simply because they are concerned that the people around them aren’t noticing them. The ESFP cares about their loved ones, and simply want that in return.

ISTP Anxiety

ISTPs are often very laid-back individuals, and this demeanor often helps them avoid anxious behavior. ISTPs can, however, become extremely anxious if they are forced into certain social situations for too long. If they are made to interact with people they find annoying or frustrating, it might cause the ISTP to become anxious and even moody.

ISTPs need to be allowed to have plenty of alone time, since this is simply part of their personality. If they are feeling anxious or overwhelmed, then they definitely need to take time for themselves.

ESTP Anxiety

ESTPs often push themselves extremely hard to accomplish their goals, which can sometimes cause them to become anxious. They want to be successful, but will often push themselves extremely hard to get there. When they take on too many tasks, the ESTP will often become overwhelmed and even anxious because of this.

When the ESTP feels stressed or anxious, they need to surround themselves with supportive and loving people. If they can take some time to relax and recharge with their loves ones, it will help them overcome their feelings of anxiety.

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