How Philosophical Each Enneagram Type Is

Here’s a breakdown of how philosophical each Enneagram type tends to be: Type 1 – The Perfectionist: Ones tend to be highly philosophical, often seeking to understand and uphold moral principles, ethics, and ideals. They may engage in deep introspection...

How Each Enneagram Type Handles Drama

Here’s a breakdown of how each Enneagram type may handle drama: Type 1 – The Perfectionist: Ones tend to handle drama by trying to restore order and fairness. They may feel compelled to address conflicts, seeking justice and resolution. They strive to find...

How Each Enneagram Type Feels About Sports

Here’s a breakdown of how each Enneagram type may feel about sports: Type 1 – The Perfectionist: Ones may appreciate sports that have clear rules and structure, such as traditional team sports like soccer or basketball. They might enjoy the discipline and...

How Charismatic Each Enneagram Type Can Be

Here’s a description of how charismatic each Enneagram type can be. Please note that charisma can manifest differently depending on the individual, and these descriptions reflect general tendencies: Type 1 – The Perfectionist: Type 1s can be charismatic...

What Each Enneagram Type is like When Tired

Here’s a description of what each Enneagram type can be like when tired. Please keep in mind that these descriptions are general tendencies, and individuals may display different behaviors when tired: Type 1 – The Perfectionist: When tired, a Type 1 can...

What Each Enneagram Type is like as a Father

Here’s a description of what each Enneagram type can be like as a father. Please note that these descriptions are general tendencies, and individuals may vary: Type 1 – The Perfectionist Father: A Type 1 father is conscientious and sets high standards for...