ESFP Personality 

The ESFP Personality is all about fun loving entertainment. The ESFP loves to be the center of attention and create environments that allow everyone to have fun. They are their best when they are getting everyone out of their shell and just enjoying living in the moment. The ESFP is hands on and sees the world through their five senses. What they observe is what they see. They can sometimes be a bit critical when they are in a bad mood or want things around them to change. However, they can just as easily be swept away in the next moment by something more exciting or inviting. The ESFP tends to be very expressive and will have no problem making fun of themselves. The ESFP wants life to be a party, and will always find ways to bring a bit more energy to any place they go. Some may see the ESFP as a bit flighty or unreliable, however, they have a certain charm and grace that allows others to forgive the ESFP for being a bit flighty and forgetful. The ESFP can become stressed when they are not receiving feedback. They may start to envision the worst case scenario and become paranoid of others intentions. If the ESFP can learn to accept this mood for what it is, which is usually over-reacting, then they can get back to living life in the moment. The ESFP has a great eye for fashion and aesthetics, and will usually bring a strong and stylish energy to their home and work spaces.

Enneagram Type 3 (3w2 3w4)

The Enneagram Type 3 is all about achievement and recognition. The Enneagram Type Three is probably the most driven type. They are all about success and using benchmarks to achieve their goals. The E3 is status conscious and will work hard to maintain an image of a winner. Because of this, they can be very hard workers. The Enneagram 3 would do well to figure out what they truly want out of life, instead of just chasing what will give them accolades. Over time, if they are just chasing another arbitrary goal, they may not find it as fulfilling as they hoped. It might feel like its always onto the next challenge. The Enneagram 3 would benefit from figuring out and reflecting on what brings them the most joy. If the E3 can accepts their flaws and become a more well rounded type that comes from a place of authenticity, they can become a role model for others to follow. They ultimately want to feel valuable to others, and if they can approach this from a place of genuineness, they will be an inspiring voice to others around them. Their achievements will likely inspire awe and motivation in others to go after their goals.


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