Would You Make for a Good Detective, Based on Your Personality Type

Some people are naturally good at picking up details and putting the information together. Observational and problem solving skills aren’t something everyone possesses, and are very useful for detectives. Here is whether you not you might make for a good detective, based on your personality type.


INFJs are often good at picking up on changes with their loved ones, and subconsciously catalog information which might be useful for them. While they are good at these things, they aren’t necessarily observant with finer details which don’t seem all that vital to them. For INFJs detective work might not be something they favor or are drawn to, but they do enjoy researching and uncovering information. They might enjoy being able to think things over and find ways to put the information together, but not always pick up on smaller details.


ENFJs are good at uncovering information and are naturally perfectionists who work hard to get everything done. For ENFJs the skill which might help them in a detective position, would be their ability to understand and predict the actions and motives of people. It might not be that they are good at looking at the details of a situation, rather than the way they understand people so well. ENFJs can see how someone is going to respond, since they have a strong sense of empathy and understanding.


The idea of being a detective isn’t usually something INFPs are drawn to, since their minds become a bit too distracted for this type of position. They are good at connecting with a situation, and will pay attention to the smaller less expected details. The fact that they don’t simply look at the obvious aspects of something, is what helps the INFP uncover certain pieces of information that other people would not actually notice. They are observant when they have to be, but they do sometimes find themselves losing interest in a lot of these situations.


ENFPs are surprisingly good at noticing small details that most people would not even recognize. They often find themselves distracted from the more obvious things, and so this draws their attention to the missing pieces or altered details which other people would not notice. This helps the ENFP be good at detective work, since they don’t only notice the things that are obvious and easy to pick up on. They can often put this information together in order to come up with new conclusions and possibilities.


INTJs are great at uncovering information and will continue to research until they get the facts straight. For them everything becomes detective work to some extent, and they believe in making sure they have the information correct. They will research and analyze until they are sure of their choice and comfortable with their knowledge. They might not enjoy an actual detective job, but INTJs would be very good at uncovering the truth in these situations. They will do their best to show a sense of awareness, and will be good working with someone to help reach the right conclusion.


ENTJs are factual people who believe in looking for the truth in every situation. They don’t like being ignorant or inefficient in anything they do, and so knowing the facts is important. ENTJs will do their best to be aware of the truth in a situation, and this ability to research and uncover these details can certainly help them be good at detective work. For the ENTJ the most rewarding aspect would being able to problem solve and feel like they have accomplished something with a sense of value and challenge to it.


INTPs are good at researching and uncovering information, and this can certainly be helpful with detective work. They are good at finding things out and uncovering details which most people would completely miss out on. INTPs can pick up and catalog all of this information, but they might have a hard time when there are blanks. When the blanks are there the INTP will try to fill them in and come up with different potential scenarios. This is something which can be useful but they will do best having someone to bounce these thoughts off of so that they can come to the most likely conclusions.


ENTPs believe in uncovering the truth and often enjoy being able to pick apart the pieces to figure out the story behind it. For them facts are important and so detective work could be rewarding and challenging in a way that they would deeply enjoy. ENTPs often prefer having someone to bounce ideas off of, since this can help them come to the most reasonable conclusions from all of the information and ideas they have in their minds. For the ENTP this type of work can be something which challenges their minds and pushed them to really think it all through.


ISTJs are often good at figuring out their jobs no matter what they are, since they are hardworking people. They believe in being efficient and also believe in looking at the facts and rules of a situation. They will do their best to research and find a way to navigate the pieces of information and clues which they possess. ISTJs might not be naturals when it comes to reading between the lines, but they will do whatever it takes to dive into the subject matter and find a way the problem solve.


ESTJs are capable people who believe in being efficient with everything they do. They can often uncover smaller details and pieces of information in order to problem solve. They might even enjoy detective work, since it gives them a chance to challenge themselves and figure out the most reasonable conclusions. ESTJs are hardworking people and they believe in pushing themselves to be the very best at everything they do in life.

ISFJs might actually be good at detective work, since they are practical but also understand people. They will pay attention to how someone behaves in order to predict their behavior. This helps them it comes to anticipating the actions of others and can actually be useful when it comes to detective work and problem solving. They also look at the facts of a situation and observe the past in order to help them figure out what most likely occurred.


ESFJs are great at understanding people, which is what would help them with detective work. They can understand the motives and actions of others, and predict what they are likely to do next. ESFJs are very focused on getting things done and they don’t like to fail at anything. This sense of drive and ability to pay attention to the behaviors and details of people, can certainly help them when it comes to detective work.

ISTPs are capable of paying attention to details, especially when it comes to physical details. They also enjoy problem solving and using information to come to useful conclusions. These are things which can certainly aid the ISTP when it comes to detective work. They might even enjoy the challenge and the ability to really use their brains to figure out the answers to questions that others might be struggling with.


ESTPs are good at picking up on physical details, but detective work might not be something they are that drawn to. They can find themselves easily distracted by other things which can cause them to lose sight of the small details which could actually be very useful in the case they are trying to solve. ESTPs are good at dealing with people though, and might be better with being a police detective who has to encounter other people and deal with them in this way.


Detective work is rarely something an ISFP will find themselves drawn to, especially when it comes have to look at the details of something that doesn’t excite them. They are good at picking up on the physical changes and pieces of information which others might not recognize, but they aren’t necessarily great at putting it together in a way that can predict certain answers. For the ISFP detective work usually isn’t that inspiring, and they might be more drawn to something imaginative and creative.

ESFPs are very good at noticing physical changes and details which actually makes them naturals when it comes to detective work. Where the ESFP struggles is with expecting the motives of people, and so they might benefit by having a partner who is good at this. For them it is best to work with someone and have the ability to bounce their ideas off of this person in order to solve the case the most effective way.


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