Just How Capable You Are At Ego Stroking, Based on Your Personality Type

Some people are naturally good at building others up, and might even know the perfect words in order to stroke someone’s ego. While for some people this comes naturally, others have a hard time finding those words to say. In some cases people fail at this task because they deeply detest the idea of having to stroke someone’s ego. Here is how good you are at ego stroking, based on your personality type.



INFJs are actually highly capable of ego stroking if this is something they want to do. They are amazing at finding the words that people want to hear in order to make them feel better about themselves. INFJs simply don’t like doing this without being sincere, and prefer to focus on mending the people they care for. When they have to stroke someone’s ego for the sake of a job or moving forward in a situation, this is often a soul sucker for the INFJ. They become immensely drained by having to do this, and might even avoid it entirely. For the INFJ ego stroking isn’t something like to do, but it is something they are capable of.


ENFJs are empathetic people which makes them amazing when it comes to ego stroking. If they need to stroke someone’s ego in order to make them feel better the ENFJ will know exactly what they need to say. They sometimes find themselves having to stroke someone’s ego in a career situation, or in order to get something they want. They are very good at doing this and often find themselves naturally capable of getting their way by using the right words. For ENFJs this can be draining after a while, but it is something they will do if it is going to improve their loved ones lives in some way.


INFPs aren’t fans of ego stroking and rarely find themselves following through with this. While they might be good at saying nice things and making people feel good about themselves, they want this to be sincere. Having to come up with the right words to say in order to stroke someone’s ego, just isn’t something the INFP can naturally do. Anything like this will feel far too insincere and forced, and so they will find it nearly impossible to really cope with. INFPs prefer to be honest people and they follow their inner sense of morals in order to make decisions.


ENFPs really don’t like ego stroking and often try to avoid this completely. Most of the time they prefer to be sincere with their compliments and don’t like feeling forced to make someone feel a certain way. For the ENFP ego stroking feels truly fake and even a bit slimy in most situations. They prefer to express their feelings when they mean it, not because it will impress someone. In some circumstances they might have a stroke someone’s ego in order to get something they want, but this often feels a bit dirty for the ENFP (and not in the good way).



INTJs really aren’t fans of having to stroke someone else’s ego, especially in an insincere manner. For them this can feel a bit degrading and isn’t really something they are driven to do in most situations. INTJs prefer to focus on building their own lives and don’t much enjoy having to answer to anyone else. There might be certain circumstances where they would need to do a little ego stroking in order to move forward, and so they might consider it. If the INTJ realizes that ego stroking is necessary in order to get what they want, they might be able to push through it.


ENTJs aren’t having of having to stroke someone’s ego and so most of the time they won’t do it. They don’t like having to falsely build someone up just to help their ego out. For the ENTJ this can feel a bit degrading in most situations, and isn’t something they find easy to accomplish. The only situations where the ENTJ might feel the need to stroke someone’s ego, is if they need to in order to accomplish certain goals in their lives. Most of the time though, they won’t be good at following through and would rather just find another way around the problem.


INTPs aren’t really interested in stroking someone’s ego, even if it will get them ahead. This might be something that holds them back in some career situations, but they are often fine with this choice. INTPs don’t like having to stroke someone’s ego, since this often feels insincere and even a bit degrading. While INTPs will be happy to compliment someone with a sense of sincerity, that is only when they make the choice to do this. Having to forcefully compliment someone or stroke their ego, just isn’t something that feels right for the INTP.


In most situations ENTPs aren’t fans of having to stroke someone’s ego, and so they won’t do it. While they might know the exact right thing to say in order to make someone happy, they just don’t like feeling forced to do this. If the ENTP seeks to build someone up and give them a compliment, they do this on their own accord and with complete sincerity. Having to stroke someone’s ego just to make that person pleased with them, isn’t something the ENTP is often inclined to follow through with.



ISTJs aren’t likely to feel comfortable stroking someone’s ego, since they prefer to accomplish their goals the honest way. Instead of having to suck up to someone in order to move ahead, the ISTJ wants their hard work and skill to speak for itself. When they feel like they need to stroke someone’s ego in order to move forward, this can be an internal battle for the ISTJ. It isn’t something they feel comfortable with and in most situations they would rather find another way to get the job done.


ESTJs can be stubborn and prideful people, and so for them ego stroking feels completely insincere and degrading. They prefer to work hard and get moving forward this way, instead of having to suck up to someone else. For the ESTJ ego stroking feels a bit draining in most situations and even dishonest. If they are in a situation where they really need to stroke someone’s ego in order to move forward, they might do it but this will be a constant internal battle of whether or not they should.


ISFJs are often great at stroking someone’s ego, and in most situations they don’t mind it all that much. They prefer to create a sense of harmony and enjoy making others happy in whatever circumstance. They don’t like causing trouble and so they are often capable of sucking up their pride in order to make things more comfortable for everyone. If the ISFJ needs to stroke someone’s ego a bit to make the situation easier for everyone, they will certainly be great at doing this.


ESFJs often know the right words to say in order to make someone happy or stroke their ego. If they are in a situation where they need to stroke someone’s ego in order to make everyone around them happier, they are capable of doing this. ESFJs can suck up their pride a bit in order to make things better, and don’t mind having to do a little ego stroking. They simply prefer to make their loved ones happy and provide a life that will be better for them.



ISTPs don’t appreciate having to stroke someone’s ego, and will rarely go through with this. While they might be able to figure out the right words to say, this isn’t something they are fans of doing. ISTPs prefer to do things on their own terms instead of having to suck up to someone else. This is something that can sometimes hold them back in their careers, simply because they won’t just stroke someone’s ego in order to get ahead. ISTPs might be good at doing this, but it isn’t commonly something they will do.


ESTPs are often capable of stroking someone’s ego if this is something they want to do. ESTPs often want to move forward in their lives and careers, and sometimes this means they need to stroke someone’s ego a bit. ESTPs often know the right words to say and so they might follow through with it in those situations. There are times though when the ESTP loses their temper and isn’t all that graceful when it comes to stroking someone’s ego.


ISFPs aren’t usually focused on ego stroking, and so they rarely find themselves doing this. While they might know how to build someone up, they prefer to do this sincerely. For the ISFP it often feels a bit shady and dishonest to simply stroke someone’s ego in order to make them feel better about the ISFP. They would rather focus on doing their own things and only deliver compliments which they truly mean and want to share with people.


ESFPs might know how to stroke someone’s ego, and they aren’t afraid of doing this to get what they want in certain situations. ESFPs go after their goals and dreams and don’t allow anything to stand in their way when they sincerely want something. There might be times when stroking someone’s ego will get them where they want to be, and the ESFP isn’t afraid of doing this. Giving someone a compliment never really feels wrong for the ESFP, so they don’t mind a little ego stroking.


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