Enneagram Type 6 Female: The Enneagram Type Six Woman

The Enneagram is a categorization of personality types based on how people perceive and respond to the world and information they gather, as well their own emotions. This describes 9 different enneagram or personality types, and each one possesses certain core beliefs which are what drives them. These beliefs drive each type and also can be limiting at times, which is why understanding them is so important. It isn’t meant to lock people into those weaknesses or limitations, instead it is meant to help them improve and find ways to maintain a sense of healthy balance in their lives. It also helps to gain a deeper understanding of what motivates the people around you, and helps to comprehend why they contradict themselves at times. Knowing the enneagram gives a clearer sense of these inner motivations and even fears.

Understanding each type is important but it can also be important to understanding the variations. For certain types it might cause them to respond differently to the world being a type 6 woman, and how they are perceived by others because of this. They value having a sense of security and support in their lives at all times. Understanding how this correlates with being a female type 6, can help to gain a deeper comprehension of how they respond to the world as well as how they can better manage their own emotions. 

Type 6- The Loyalist

The type 6 personality is known as the loyalist because they are in fact, very loyal and committed people. They are responsible people who believe in doing their best to problem solve and get things done. They don’t like taking unnecessary risks, instead they want to be prepared for any given situation. They value a sense of security, wanting to know that they can take care of themselves as well as their loved ones. They also value having a sense of support from others, and care about making those types of helpful connections. The type 6 personality is very hardworking and often independent, wanting to know what they are capable of handling things. They are extremely loyal to their friends and relationships, wanting to always be there for the people they chose to let into their lives. They don’t believe in giving up on someone, and can often fight for relationships even if they should likely walk away sooner. 

They also have this sense of loyalty to their own inner beliefs and ideas, not wanting to allow people to sway their opinions when they view something as truly important. It is important to recognize that just because they have a strong loyalty to certain beliefs and ideas, doesn’t mean they stick by what is the social norm or certain conventions. Instead sixes might actually be rebellious, likely to go against pre-built systems in favor of something which seems more reasonable.

The Type 6 Woman Values

The type 6 woman values a sense of loyalty and security in their lives. They are often drawn to having a certain social group which becomes like their pack. This group of people becomes vital to them, and they would do anything to maintain this and stand by them. This is often a big part of what decides their beliefs as well, since they can determine those things based on what their group thinks or believes in. They value feeling deeply connected to others, and so their social group and close friends is something which is truly important to the type 6 woman. They need to have this type of bond, as well as people they gain a sense of direction from. They want to feel important to those people and they need to be reassured that they are someone who is valued in their social group. The type 6 woman is fiercely loyal, likely to stand by their loved ones at any cost. They are ones who will go down with their friends, not allowing anything to prevent them from standing by their side. Trust is something they truly value, and care about being someone who does not betray the trust of the people they love. They also value this in others, wanting to feel secure in their relationships no matter what. They have somewhat overactive inner minds which cause them to worry over just about everything. Because of this sense of constant worry and concern, they search out things which bring them security and comfort, wanting to feel safe.

A healthy type 6 woman will do anything for the ones they love, and are extremely protective people. They are caring and generous, able to stand by others and solve problems with ease. They can gain a sense of inner confidence in their own abilities, knowing that they are prepared to tackle just about anything. They know how to be prepared for what might come, and this gives them that sense of security they so deeply crave. As they have learned to develop their skills and trust in themselves and others, they become a confident and understanding person.

The Type 6 Woman Struggles

The type 6 woman can struggle with feeling overwhelmed and stressed, since their minds constantly construct potential mistakes and failings. They can worry about all the ways things can go wrong, and this causes them to feel overwhelmed and emotionally exhausted. They scramble around trying to ensure that everything is safe and properly maintained, but never feel like they are quite prepared enough. They can also struggle with trust issues, but this is the type 6 woman at their worst. When they haven’t developed healthy attachment styles, their minds constantly sift through all the ways someone might betray them and it causes them to feel paranoid about them.

The type 6 woman can really struggle with a sense of worry and a fear that things won’t go as expected. They can struggle with feelings of anxiety, especially if they haven’t learned how to trust themselves and trust in the people close to them. This sense of trust is something which is vital in helping them to develop a more secure connection with themselves and others.


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