ENFP Type-A: How Common the ENFP Type A Personality Is

ENFPs are naturally more laid back people, and so fitting into the type A personality is actually somewhat common for them. While the turbulent types are more high-strung and easily caught up on stress, ENFPs can sometimes find themselves fitting comfortable into a much more laid back persona. They don’t want to allow outside stressors to hold them back or leave them feeling overwhelmed, and so they enjoy being someone who can let these things go. While most people are a mix of both types, the ENFP who leans more towards the type-A personality, possesses certain qualities which are amplified by this.

They Don’t Worry Much

The ENFP-A type is more capable of relaxing and of avoiding too much worry. They are often more comfortable with their choices and with whatever is happening around them. They don’t feel this need to control everything which happens and instead would rather focus on the things they can affect. This type of ENFP is a bit less sensitive or emotionally uneasy, instead they are comfortable with themselves and not easily shaken. They don’t allow things around them to affect their mood or make them feel overwhelmed. This type of ENFP doesn’t panic over the slightest change or struggle, instead they just let things happen without feeling like it is their responsibility to fix it.

They Are not afraid of taking risks in life, especially if these risks can lead to something more rewarding. They realize that sometimes they need to take a few chances in order to truly experience life the way they want to. This ENFP doesn’t allow fear to prevent them from truly living and so they are willing to dive in headfirst. They are often the more spontaneous ENFPs you meet, willing to drop everything and seek out something thrilling without any preparation. They don’t need to plan for everything and are willing to take some chances, even if this means making mistakes along the way. They might not be completely reckless, but instead they are willing to experience life and not worry so much about the mistakes along the way. They are the ENFP who is excited about taking on new challenges and experiences, wanting to find thrill and passion in their lives. Instead of feeling nervous about what mistakes they might make, they are simply eager to experience them on their own terms.

They Are Outgoing

ENFPs are often seen as outgoing, but there are some which might be more hesitant because they are seeking approval from others. The ENFP-A type is more willing to jump into conversation or social situations without being fearful of the results. They are eager to experience in-depth discussions and get to know people on new levels. They don’t usually waste much time with small-talk, although they will enjoy a bit of banter to set the tone. This ENFP wants to get to know people, and really dive into understanding their more complex and exciting thoughts and feelings. Instead of being nervous about how people will perceive them, they are more eager to get to know and understand what is going on inside of these people. They are also confident in their social abilities and rarely feel anxious about these settings.

This ENFPs is not only confident in themselves, but confident in their ability to connect with others. They often possess a great deal of charm, and enjoy being someone who can navigate a room without being stressed about others watching them. They don’t think about these things or over-analyze the situation, instead they want to let themselves enjoy the experience and really live without constantly doubting their own actions and choices. This ability to walk into a room and instantly connect with others, is something which definitely makes people drawn to the ENFP-A personality. There is something irresistible about their confidence and more laid back way of approaching life, which leaves people wanting to be around them most of the time. This is certainly a good thing for the ENFP, since they enjoy connecting with others and want to make lasting friendships and relationships. They want to feel close to people, and since they are more open to this it presents them with plenty of opportunities.

They Are Confident People

The ENFP-A type is much more confident in themselves and their own abilities. They don’t constantly second guess their actions, and are fully aware of their own strengths. They can sometimes seem a bit over confident to others, as this sense of inner strength can appear pompous sometimes. The ENFP is just trying to express a sureness, instead of allowing fears to prevent them from taking action. They are willing to experience things on their own terms without turning to others all of the time. This ENFP is confident in their knowledge, and is comfortable stepping into a situation with a sense of pride and assertiveness.

They don’t seek to punish themselves when they make a few mistakes, instead they want to move on from these things. While the more turbulent ENFP might be anxious about their failings and constantly blame themselves, the assertive ENFP does not. They are comfortable with their own choices and don’t constantly seek outside approval. They are a little less sensitive than some other ENFPs, since they are comfortable with their own emotions and experiences. They don’t fall apart when someone else second guesses their actions, because they search inward for a sense of peace and approval.

Read More About the ENFP:

Complete ENFP Article Collection


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