ENTP Loss: How the ENTP Copes With the Many Forms of Loss

Loss is never really enjoyable to endure, even for those who can cope well with it. Having to deal with losing something or someone can be one of the most painful experiences. There are many different kinds of losses we can experience in life, sometimes this is death, other times it is simply a change which forces us to losing something meaningful. Whether it be a small loss or something major, experiencing letting go of something which was so important to you can be truly painful and for some it is overwhelming. Each person has their own way of processing these feelings, for some the idea of letting go hits them much harder and for others it is something they seem to handle much better.

ENTPs often appear relaxed and cool on the outside, but that doesn’t mean loss cannot hit them hard. ENTPs just don’t show their emotions outwardly, and prefer to focus more on logical means. When something happens they want to find ways of understanding it better, and search for the facts of the situation. ENTPs care about understanding things on a deeper level, even when they experience something which can be emotionally difficult to endure. For the ENTP research and logical understanding are things which help them feel comforted, and so this is why they turn to these means even when they are internally feeling overwhelmed or upset by the loss.

Accepting Loss

For ENTPs accepting the reality of something is often the easiest part, as they are naturally connected to reason and logic. They can accept when they have lost something or someone, and will do their best to process this logically. They will observe the facts of the situation and strive to comprehend why this happened. They are often understanding of the reality of loss, and know that they are bound to lose people and important things in their lives. ENTPs are capable of preparing themselves for the reality of this, and so accepting the loss itself is often much easier for them. They are likely to try and research the best way to respond to these situations and want to understand it from a more clinical sense. This doesn’t mean ENTPs don’t care and are not feeling internal emotions, they just try to focus more on the facts of it all. Looking at things from a more open-minded point of view is just what comes naturally for the ENTP. Trying to focus on their feelings is actually more difficult and so they are more likely to avoid those emotions.

Accepting their own emotional response is what can be challenging for the ENTP. They don’t find it easy or natural to dive into their feelings and instead they often try and bury them. For the ENTP taking time to process and understand their own emotions can be even more difficult than showing support for the emotions of others. As the ENTP matures they actually become much better at being supportive and patient with the emotions of their loved ones. Where they tend to struggle with is their own emotions, and so for the ENTP accepting their feelings is not an easy process. Taking time to express their feelings is something which takes a lot of time and effort for the ENTP, as well as loved ones who do not make them feel bad about how they express things. They need to feel like they can express themselves without feeling judged for it, as ENTPs can be afraid of how people will respond to their inner feelings.

Their Process

For the ENTP the initial process can be to focus on the facts and practical aspects of the situation. When they experience loss actually dealing with their emotions is something they struggle to do. They might appear like they are dealing with their loss just fine, when inside the ENTP is struggling. They don’t like dealing with their emotions and so they usually try to find ways to distract themselves or neglect those inner feelings. They can push aside their pain for a long time, causing it to find ways to express itself down the line. For the ENTP coping with these emotions just isn’t natural or easy for them, and so they find other ways to keep moving and distract themselves. This is actually because ENTPs feel things very deeply, and just don’t know the easiest ways to process what is going on inside. They prefer to focus on things which are logical and can be proven, and emotions are much more complicated than a simple factual solutions.

This struggle can cause the ENTP to find outside distracted and so they might find themselves bouncing around. They might even make a move or decide to start travelling suddenly. They can appear like they are trying to focus on work and are simply moving on with their lives, when in truth they are searching for distractions and outside answers to make things feel better. For the ENTP keeping their thoughts busy and always striving to explore something new can help them to keep their minds off of those feelings for a while. Ultimately this can only last for so long and they do eventually find those emotions coming to the surface down the line. 

Moving On

Moving on can appear easy for the ENTP, since they are good at moving forward and finding new things to explore. They are always ready to jump into something new and try out a different project. They are skilled at keeping themselves distracted and busy and so it appears like they are good at moving on. Just because they are capable of moving forward, does not mean they let go of things all that easy. ENTPs try to avoid their feelings and so eventually they need to accept and process them in order to properly move on. This takes connecting with the right people, those who they can trust to allow them the time to vent and not feel judged.


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