ENTP Intuition: Understanding the ENTPs Sense of Intuition

Each personality type has some sort of intuition, it is simply more powerful for some than for others. Not only does the potency of intuition vary from type to type, there are also different types of intuition which are expressed in very different ways. For some there is extraverted intuition, while for others it is introverted which is much stronger and more naturally used. In order to understand how each personality type will respond and experience things, knowing their intuitive strengths and weaknesses is certainly important.

While most people view the ENTPs as highly factual and analytical, their dominant function actually is their intuition. The ENTP uses extraverted intuition in order to process information and come up with the most logical and useful conclusions from all of this. Their intuition is all about possibilities and seeing the different patterns in the world around them. These patterns are part of what makes the ENTP so great at problem solving, especially when combined with their introverted thinking skills. ENTPs might be logical and factual people, but it is their intuition which helps guide these facts in the right direction.

ENTP and Extraverted Intuition

ENTPs are idea people to such an extent that it seems like they never run out of fresh ideas. Their minds are filled with so many different thoughts and imaginative details, that they can certainly get lost inside of their heads sometimes. This is what makes the ENTP seem to be constantly moving in different directions, since this is how their minds and intuition works. They take in the facts over time and they have a way of processing these details by connecting them and finding all of the patterns which make the most sense. This helps the ENTP to figure out different potential outcomes of a situation, rather than one narrow view. This is why ENTPs are viewed as very open-minded and creative people, because this comes naturally to them. Their intuition draws them in many different directions, wanting to explore the various potential behind these different paths.

This is why ENTPs want to keep their options open most of the time, since they can see down more than just one path in life. They want to be able to learn from these different experiences and so sometimes they find themselves wanting to bounce around a bit. Not only does this intuition help the ENTP see different possibilities, it also helps them when it comes to problem solving. Knowing how things are likely to go when they make a certain choice, helps the ENTP figure out which choice is the most logical one for them and for those around them. They combine this with their introverted thinking analysis, and together they can figure out how to use their creative minds in order to solve whatever problems might arise. ENTPs are also rather adaptable people, since they can come up with new options are time goes on. When it seems like one plan isn’t going as they had hoped, the ENTP isn’t afraid of deviating and of working with what they have in order to solve the problems in front of them. ENTPs aren’t just happy walking down the path expected of them and others, instead they want to venture down the unexplored options. This can certainly lead them to some sticky situations, but ENTPs simply want to be able to learn and grow from the world around them. This is something which also helps the ENTP to become capable of discovering things which others were too afraid to even attempt. Their intuition is part of what makes the ENTP so innately curious about the world around them, as well as the people around them.

Trusting Their Intuition

Like anyone who using introverted thinking, there are times when the constant analysis can drive the ENTP to doubt themselves. They can analyze the information and become so caught up inside of their own minds, which creates a bubble and separates them from the world around them. While ENTPs are naturally outgoing and extroverted people, that doesn’t mean they cannot become caught up in this constant analyzing state of mind. When this happens the ENTP can start to forget to trust in their own intuition and their desire to explore the possibilities around them. This is why stagnancy is often the enemy of the ENTP, since it can push them into this and cause them to stop trusting in themselves. It is important for the ENTP to continue relying on their sense of intuition, as this is what guides them through life more effectively. Without their intuition the ENTP stops trusting in their own knowledge and becomes less focused on exploring different options. 

When the ENTP does trust in their intuition they lose that fear of making mistakes and are prepared to navigate whatever might happen. The ENTP is good at adapting even when things go wrong, and this comes from their natural intuition abilities. Being able to see possibility is part of what makes the ENTP ingenuitive and unique people. They are capable of making a real difference in the world, simply because they can see things from different angles than most people are capable of imagining. 

Intuitive Weaknesses

Even our greatest strengths in life can sometimes create blind spots, and so it can be helpful to know what these are. For the ENTP their intuition combined with their introverted thinking is certainly an amazing combination, but it can also trip them up at times. The ENTP can see the different possibilities, but seeing so many options can cause them to bounce around a bit too much. They find themselves wanting to explore everything and might never feel like settling down to one decision or path. This can make it hard for the ENTP to commit to or finish things, because there is always something else which needs to be explored. They have a fear of missing out, and don’t want to feel like they should have ventured down a different path later on.


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