Are You Always Looking For Something Better, Based on Your Personality Type

Some people have a grass is always greener mentality, and are constantly looking for something better in their lives. They have a hard time staying stagnant and always feel like there is room for improvement. This can be a good things since it helps them strive for greatness, but can sometimes hold them back and prevent them from appreciating the things they have. So here is how often you find yourself looking for something better, based on your personality type.



INFJs are often hopeful and curious about how other people live their lives, but that doesn’t mean they are naïve. INFJs realize that any situation has its pros and cons, and so they are capable of accepting what they do have. But as always INFJs have a way of contradicting their behaviors, always seeming to lean on both sides of the fence. INFJs are not likely to have a grass is always greener mentality when it comes to their loved ones, and they are entirely capable of recognizing what they have and how valuable it is. Where they tend to desire something better, is often in their careers or aspects of their daily lives. INFJs simply search for being able to make a difference and really live up to their potential in life.


ENFJs have a tendency to push themselves towards better achievements, and because of their perfectionist mindset they might always be looking for something better. They don’t like feeling like they are settling for less when there is so much more out there in the world. They have high hopes and lofty dreams, constantly seeking ways to improve and make their lives something to be proud of. ENFJs definitely find themselves hoping to accomplish truly wonderful things in life, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of appreciating what they have when it comes to their loved ones.


INFPs do sometimes have a tendency to always search for something better, since they don’t like feeling as if they are settling. They have big dreams and they seek to uncover the things that will truly ignite their passions. While INFPs do see themselves always hoping for something better, this does not apply to their relationships. They do have high standards for their relationships and want to find someone who can truly fulfill their soul. When the INFP finds someone who fulfills them and enriches their life, they will stop searching for something better.


ENFPs do have a tendency to constantly be looking for something better, and might have a grass is always greener mentality. They want to achieve great things and uncover the places and people who will ignite their passions. ENFPs don’t like feeling stagnant or trapped in a situation that isn’t truly rewarding them. In their careers and lifestyles they often find themselves wanting something more, and might have a hard time truly feeling satisfied. This can occasionally get the ENFP into trouble, especially when they find themselves constantly bouncing around to different things.



INTJs always see room for improvement in their lives and their careers, but that doesn’t mean they are incapable of seeing what they have. They aren’t always searching for something better, instead INTJs are always looking for ways to improve what they have. If they are happy with their relationships, they simply want to find ways to strengthen them and make them even better. If they have chosen a career they love, the INTJ wants to grow in the career and work to become the best. They don’t need to change or find new things, instead they want to improve upon themselves and the valuable things in their lives.


ENTJs do want to seek out greater rewards and improve their lives, but that doesn’t mean they are always searching for something better. They are more interested in discovering what they want and finding ways to achieve those goals and obtain the things that matter most to them. ENTJs simply want to always be improving on what they have, not searching for something better. They work to make their careers, lifestyles and relationships truly great, by always finding ways to strengthen and improve them. They value growth but at the same time they aren’t often searching for something else which they believe to be better.


INTPs do have a tendency to become curious about what else is out there in the world. This curiosity combined with a fear of missing out, can certainly cause the INTP to always be searching for something better. They don’t enjoy feeling stagnant and want to truly experience the world and learn as much as they can along the way. INTPs do sometimes feel like they are missing out on things and even when they have committed to something can feel like there might be something better out there for them, sometimes more rewarding.


ENTPs do sometimes fund themselves always hoping for something better or something greater. They are curious people with a constant fear of missing out, and this causes them to bounce from one thing to the next without much effort. They find themselves always searching for the next best thing, curious to uncover what will truly be the most rewarding. The ENTPs curious nature pushes them in so many different directions, which does cause them to feel like there is always something greater out there.



ISTJs don’t have their minds always looking for something new or something better, instead they work to improve what they have. They work hard to build their careers and their relationships and value the commitments they have. ISTJs don’t like always looking towards something new and become annoyed with people who cannot seem to value what they have. For ISTJs it is best to appreciate their lives but always be striving to make it better.


ESTJs aren’t likely to always be searching for something better, instead they stand by their commitments in life. They value what they have and work hard to maintain this, but they also strive to improve upon it. Instead of trying to find something better, they work to make what they have better. They build on their careers and try their best to strengthen their current relationships. ESTJs aren’t searching for something new or better, instead they just want to make the most out of what they have.


ISFJs don’t often have a grass is always greener mentality, instead they appreciate what they have in their lives. They do strive to provide for their loved ones and make them happy, but that doesn’t mean they go out searching for something new. ISFJs value their commitments and want to do their best to nurture what they have in their lives. They work hard to maintain a sense of harmony and peace in their environments, instead of always shaking things up with a hope for something new.


ESFJs aren’t likely to constantly be searching for something better, instead they are content to value what they have. ESFJs want to build on their current relationships and improve on what they have in their lives. They don’t usually feel a need to search out something better and often want to stand by their commitments in life. ESFJs can actually become annoyed by people with a grass is always greener mentality, and might have a hard time really trusting them.



ISTPs are curious people and this can sometimes cause them to search out something better in their lives. They simply don’t enjoy remaining stagnant and want to seek out new and fulfilling experiences. Their desire to really experience something new and exciting, can lead the ISTP to constantly bounce around from one thing to the next. While it isn’t that they are always expected the next thing to be better, they are curious to uncover something new.


ESTPs do sometimes find themselves searching for something better, and always find themselves wanting to experience something new. They don’t like feeling stagnant in their current situation and have a somewhat insatiable curiosity. The ESTPs desire to always experience adventure and excitement, can cause them to feel like there is always something better or more rewarding out there for them. If their lives become too comfortable they can find themselves wanting to shake it up.


ISFPs can have somewhat highs standards, which does often lead them to feeling like there is something better out there for them. When it comes to their relationships they might find themselves bouncing around because they haven’t quite found something that fulfills them the way they want. ISFPs do have a tendency to feel like the grass is always greener, and this can cause them to bounce around fairly often.


ESFPs are curious people by nature and they do truly dislike feeling stagnant or stuck in the same place. They want to be able to experience new things and uncover the more fulfilling and rewarding moments. ESFPs can sometimes find themselves believing that there is something better out there, but they feel this in a more hopeful sense. They are always searching for something that will excite them and spark their passions on a new level.




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